
Hello sweets!  This is a lucky chair win from Pure Poison.  The are four chairs at the store for members of the group, which is FREE to join.  There’s also a chair for members of FabFree, which is also FREE to join.

This outfit is sized to fit Lara, Legacy, Isis, Freya, and Hourglass.  The boots are included and come in fittings for the same sizes as the dress.  I’m not much on high platforms, and normally with a dress this short, I’d wear flats.  These boots are nicely done however, and if you get your hover height just right, they look pretty good when walking.

Both the dress and the boots come with separate thirteen color HUDs to personalize them.  You can color the top and skirt of the dress separately, and there are four metal colors to choose from.   The boot HUD lets you color the main boots, the platforms, the heels, and the toes all individually, which might make for some clownishly eye-catching combinations!  The boots also have four colors for the soles.

This is a very nice FREE gift.  The only drawback is that the chairs are on a fifteen minute turnover, which is quite a long time if you don’t get lucky and have your letter come up quickly.  I had to wait over two hours for this one!