Venus with Kemono

Weeks ago I told you I’d show you the Venus head for the Kemono body, and I’ve finally got around to it.  I got the Venus head ages ago for an anime event, and I just wore it with Lara, which works fine.  But it’s really designed to go with the default Kemono body.  This combination gives you a very young girl look, which you need to be mindful of on adult sims.

All the clothes here are L$10 or less each and are fitmesh for the Kemono default body (the skirt also includes sizes for Lara, Belleza, and Hourglass).  The shoes are only in animal feet size.

I was really surprised at how well one of my favorite mesh hairstyles worked with both the Kemono and Venus heads.  You just have to tweak the head size of your shape a bit to get it to fit!