Thana – Advent day 1

Oh my, the Advent calendar season is on us for other year.  Last year, I don’t think I did any Advent calendars, but this year I will do a few.  I’ve chosen five stores who are either FREE, or whose paid group I am already in, from the huge list of creators offering them this year.  The stores are Blackbird Lace, WellMade, Salt & Pepper, Vagrant, and Glitzz.  I’ll try to feature an outfit a day, and if there are other ones I’d normally consider writing up, I’ll post captioned photos under the main post.

I’ll try and post these early, but do be aware that the calendars often only allow you to get the gift on the day.  If you miss out, it’s either a small fee to get a gift you’ve missed, or you’re out of luck.

The first store is Salt & Pepper.  Their group is L$300 to join, and they’re offering a rather cheeky and eye-catching corset dress and matching panties.

There are sizes for Lara, Lara Petite, Legacy, Legacy Perky, Reborn, Reborn Juicy, and GenX Curvy and Classic.

Petra by Glitzz

Isabella Shirt by Vagrant