Take a chance on Lady Penelope

Aloha, all!  Let’s take a look at a gorgeous little treasure that Solas and Bee at Silvan Moon Designs have created for the Fantasy Gacha Carnival!  This is Lady Penelope, available for Maitreya and SLink Physique bodies in seven different lovely light shades.

I finally got this lovely necklace and earring set from Empyrean Forge.  I’ve been gazing at Springleaf for several months, every time I’d stop by We Love Role Play… and finally Jaz got downright tired of me waivering over it.  it’s a large piece — larger than I usually wear, but it’s perfect for a strapless gown like Lady Penelope.  The pieces come with HUDs that allow eight different texture choices for the leaves, eight jewel choices, and two metal choices!  It’s perfect for that elegant organic touch.

Oh, yes, and I splurged a while back on a membership to Truth Hair.  Their group gift (sent right out through the group messaging system!) for the month of August is Yuko, a lovely long straight hair with a host of styling options.  While I definitely don’t look like me with straight hair, Truth’s hair is top-notch and I’m terribly impressed with the styling HUD.  It’s a lot of fun to play with!

As usual, Solas’ mesh and Bee’s texturing just can’t be beat.  I love the diaphanous sleeves and bodice on Lady Penelope.  Stop on by the Fantasy Gacha Carnival and take a look for yourself!

Mahalo!  A hui hou!