Foxy in Blue

This was an MM board prize from Zombie Suicide.  I’ve shown you the yellow version before, but I like this one even better with the fishnet overlay on the skirt.

It’s all one piece, and there are sizes for classic, Belleza, Slink Physique and Hourglass, and Maitreya.

I went looking for a different hairstyle than the long long one I wore in the previous post, and I found this one that I hadn’t worn before!  It’s very cute and has rigged and unrigged version, and three different styles of bangs that are resizeable to ensure they frame your face.  It also has a multicolour HUD that is mostly in pastel shades, but fortunately there was a nice ginger in there!  Yay!


Woo, a mean party dress from Zombie Suicide’s MM board!  Furious is only in standard size rigged mesh, but with some careful alpha selections, looks pretty awesome on Lara.

I’ve shown you this hairstyle before but probably not in these colours.  I love the use of materials for this, it really makes the hairstyle.  If I haven’t mentioned it before, this came from last year’s Hair Fair, and the creator generously included a five colour HUD 🙂

And speaking of HUDs, the dress also has a ten color one, which allows you to change the green pattern on the dress to other colours.

I accessorised with some goth style makeup and jewelry, and I’m sporting a few tattoos.  The ones on my hips are particularly good…

… Blue displays carefully posed shot 🙂

Foxy in yellow

This is a really nice little dress from an unexpected source – Zombie Suicide!  ZS usually goes in for much more edgy designs than this pretty dress.

The dress is in standard sizes plus fitmesh for Belleza, Slink Physique and Hourglass, and Maitreya.  There is a tiny mesh breakthrough on the front of the skirt in certain poses, but it’s nothing drastic.  As it’s mesh from the skirt breaking though, you can’t correct it with an alpha.

I want to highlight my hairstyle too.  I like dancing on the beach at the end of the day, and one day while I was dancing, a girl walked up and started a conversation with me.  She was wearing this hairstyle from eXxEsS and after admiring it, I just had to go and try a demo!  As you can see, I ended up getting it, and it’s my favorite long long hair.  The amazing thing is for just L$199, you get two versions, one with materials enabled and one without, plus you get a 56 (yes fifty six!) single color HUD.  The colors cover enough naturals so that most people will be happy no matter what your normal color is, plus nine or ten single color tints such a blue, pink, purple, and well, you get the idea!

There is a “B” version of the hairstyle too, if you want multi-tones.

This is a very versatile hairstyle, and works well with nearly any casual outfit.