
This is a daring dress from Xtravagance!

It comes in sizes of Freya, Isis, Venus, eBody, Hourglass, and Physique.  It also comes as an experimental model for Lara, which means the creator probably is doing the rigging by eye.  It works pretty well.  Finding non-alpha blend modesty layers is a must 🙂  I wore a long hair to cover my breasts but ummmm I wouldn’t wear this in public on anything other than an adult sim lol


Look at the materials on this dress!  Wow!  As it’s pink, you know… dye bottle? 😉

This was a free gift at FaMESHed (I think!  Sometimes I do so many outfits I lose track!)  There are fitmesh sizes for classic, Freya, Isis, Venus, Ebody, Fine, Curvy, Lara, TMP, Hourglass, and Physique, which basically covered all the current bodies and then some

My heels are also from the same event, and have a HUD that allows you to change the details such as the buckle metal, but not the main shoe colour.  I like them a lot, and a neutral gray makes a nice change from black, and goes with nearly anything.


OMG Blue!  You’re wearing pink!  Well, just as with reds, sometimes rules are meant to be broken, and this lovely little faded pink and white bodysuit goes purrfectly with my hair 🙂

This is sized for Maitreya and Slink Physique and Hourglass only.

The creator knows just where it should be transparent 🙂