Two events

I’ve been away for a while, recharging a bit after the hectic sprint to finish the big work project, so no posts for far too long.  Let’s make up for it with FREE outfits from two events, via Chic at Phil’s Place.

I grabbed this top and panty outfit mostly for the fantastic tied bracelets.  The top, panties, arm bands, and bracelets are all separate pieces, and each piece is rigged for Lara, Legacy, and Reborn.  It should be available up until the 5th of August as a FREE group gift at the Cosmopolitan Event!

And the next outfit is FREE at the Sense Event.  This event closed on the 28th of July, but if you’re really quick, the vendor for this outfit is still there and functioning (I picked this up no more than an hour prior to publishing this post).

Unlike the other outfit, this outfit is all one piece, so no mix and match 🙂  It’s sized to fit Lara, Freya, Isis, Hourglass, and Legacy.


The WIP Event is celebrating its 1st Anniversary, and most of the creators present have FREE gifts for all, just join the FREE event group.

This is one of the gifts available.  The dress is sized to fit Lara, Freya, Isis, Venus, Hourglass, Physique, and TMP.  Also included are some matching shoes for Slink, Maitreya, and Belleza (not shown).


What to looks fashionable and show off that sexy bra all at the same time?  Then this one shoulder dress and bra is for you!

The dress and bra are separate mesh items and are sized for Lara, Freya, Isis, and Venus.  This is just one of dozens of free gifts available at the Vanity Event, which runs until the 25th of July.  Vanity is a monthly event, but this month marks their first birthday, so hurry on over and celebrate with them!