Bohemian Inspiration

Aloha, my lovely friends!  I was visiting the latest round of Inspiration and found this wonderful maxiskirt and top from ***ArisArisB&W that I just had to share with you!

Rhapsody features maxi skirt and top separates with a six-texture HUD.  The textures may be chosen independently, so you can take matching top & bottom or different to suit your mood and tastes!

Rhapsody comes in fitmesh for both SLink bodies, Maitreya Lara, all three Belleza, TMP, and both Tonic bodies, so it’s sure to fit you!

Normally I’m not a huge fan of mesh maxiskirts in-world — they generally just don’t dance well — but this one is gorgeous, and ***ArisArisB&W did a fantastic job with the mesh: it dances pretty nicely, provided you don’t kick your legs up too high!

Inspiration‘s theme this round is Boho, so stop by and take a look around: find some new ideas for spring!  Mahalo!  A hui hou!

Morning Daydream

Happy Aloha Friday, my lovely friends!  I know, pink normally isn’t my thing, but my wonderful friend Ems got me this lovely dusty rose dress for my rez-day, and I just had to share it with you.  🙂 

I really really love the lacey detail work on the bodice.  It’s perfectly done, and appears to be actual mesh as opposed to a texture done on a mesh panel.  The edges of the lace appear to curl up!

Thank you, Ems, for the lovely gift.  It’s beautiful, and definitely not something I would have ever gotten for myself – but all the more cherished.  🙂

Happy Aloha Friday, my wonderful friends!    Mahalo!  A hui hou!


Black romper

When you build in mesh, and you’re going to make things semi-transparent and thin, you really have to be careful about visible geometry.  I found this out when I made a wineglass.  You can easily see the triangles in the glass below:

Sadly, you sometimes see it in clothing for sale too.  Someone made this full perm model but probably never foresaw that someone would purchase it and make parts of it semi-transparent.  There are visible triangles all over.  If it was mod, you could make it opaque, but unfortunately, it’s not.

The romper comes in sizes for classic, and specific fitmesh for Lara, Freya, Isis, Venus, Physique, Hourglass, and TMP.  Despite what I said above, it’s really quite nice, with a judicious use of materials to get a nice satin look.

And here’s a fun shot.  I know I do a lot of pics in the studio, and sometimes it’s worthwhile to show you what’s going on behind the scenes isn’t just point and click =^_^=

A moment of reflection

Something old for the new… something new for the old.  I haven’t posted a lot over the last two weeks, travel for the holidays, getting ready for the new term and some business-related travel.  It’s a crazy time… but it’s also an important one.   The opening of the year is always a bit of a good time for some reflection.

  • Petite Mort — Elona Sweater Dress with lace skirt
  • Mesh AgencyFaith Boots with top socks
  • !!smesh — Star choker and ankle bracelets
  • DRDMetal Heart Vintage Lounge pose

Elona from Petite Mort is not a new release, but it is new to me, thanks to a wonderful Christmas gift from my lovely Blue, complemented by some beautiful new boots from my sweet mamma Jaz!  Elona features a beautiful cable-knit sweater available in 10 lovely earthy colours and an attached white lacey skirt.  It comes fit for Maitreya Lara, Belleza Venus, Freya, and Isis, and SLink Physique and Hourglass!

My boots are Faith from Mesh Agency, and they are fantastic.  They come in sizes for Belleza Freya, Isis, and Venus, Maitreya Lara, and SLink Physique and Hourglass, as well as a resizable unrigged version.  What’s best is a beautiful colour HUD, with fifty choices of boot colour, fifteen sock colours, and four different metal detail choices!

You know, reading a lot of fashion blogs, I’m well aware that there’s a lot of unhappiness at a dearth of fitmesh sizes for Belleza bodies.  I’m so happy to share two wonderful products that have not forgotten Belleza!

My wonderful friends… thank you for being with me through 2017.  I wish us all a wonderful 2018… may it be a year of happy change, a year of growth, a year of peace and wonder.  As a wise man once said, “may it be a damn sight better than the last one”.  Keep dancing, keep laughing, keep loving.

Mahalo!  A hui hou!


warm against the cold

A bit of warmth as the temperature drops- a lovely sweater dress and top from Paper Moon, and some glorious warm boots from Belle Epoque!  They’re both group gifts, so don’t delay!

Happy Friday, my wonderful friends!  I wish you a wonderful weekend!  Mahalo!  A hui hou!

Dance of the Fae

Let us twirl in the light
Let us forget our troubles
Let our feet be light
Let me forget the weight that pulls me to the earth
the darkness that surrounds me
Let me say “I love you”

Too quickly the dark comes
Too quickly the voices fade
Too quickly the cold reaches

Dance with me
Give me this moment
Make it last

Just a little faerie dance for your Friday…

I wish you a day of peace… that peace may find us all.

Mahalo, my friends.  For all you do, cherish one another.



I’ve been wanting to share this little outfit with you for ages now, and I’ve finally got the perfect excuse.  My lovely Blue gave me a gift certificate to Blueberry ages ago for my birthday and these were two little pieces that I fell in love with.  Britan is a beautiful little denim mini, and Koko is the fun half-cropped top!  Both items are sold single-colour, but come in rigged mesh and mesh-body-fitmesh sizes.  Britan has a little HUD that allows you to change the belt colour, rivet/metal texture, and panty colour — or just do away with the panties in the first place.  Koko comes in two variants for each colour — with and without the printed pattern.

I really am excited to share these foil freckles with you from Alaska Metro.  Alaska is rolling out a new free-join group — Alaskametro<3 loves, and the foil freckles are your gift for joining up.  They come both in Omega appliers and standard tattoo layers in six different lovely shades.  I’m in love!

Your look is out there just waiting for you to find it.  Thank you, Blue my love, for helping me find my way every day.  ♥♥♥

Mahalo!  A hui hou!