
This dress is a group gift from Salt & Pepper.  It’s a little too reminiscent of the “camisk” style dress for my taste, but I can’t help showing it to you because of the fantastic texturing job.

There are fits for Lara, Lara Petite, Reborn, Reborn Juicy, Reborn Waifu, Gen X Classic, Classic Squishy, Dainty, and Dainty Squishy.

The HUD lets you chose from one of twelve colors, but where it gets exciting is the material picks, where you can chose from no shine, normal, or holo.  The holo “shine” texture (the specular texture, to be technical), I’m guessing is the same texture as the pattern I’m wearing in the photos.  As you move, various color reflections are highlighted, giving the dress a wonderful look.

Salt and Pepper is quite expensive to join at L$300, but they occasionally have free join weekends (which is how you’re truly got into the group) so it’s worth keeping an eye open.  The store carries past group gifts, so if you do get into the group, this will be waiting for you!

Thana – Advent day 1

Oh my, the Advent calendar season is on us for other year.  Last year, I don’t think I did any Advent calendars, but this year I will do a few.  I’ve chosen five stores who are either FREE, or whose paid group I am already in, from the huge list of creators offering them this year.  The stores are Blackbird Lace, WellMade, Salt & Pepper, Vagrant, and Glitzz.  I’ll try to feature an outfit a day, and if there are other ones I’d normally consider writing up, I’ll post captioned photos under the main post.

I’ll try and post these early, but do be aware that the calendars often only allow you to get the gift on the day.  If you miss out, it’s either a small fee to get a gift you’ve missed, or you’re out of luck.

The first store is Salt & Pepper.  Their group is L$300 to join, and they’re offering a rather cheeky and eye-catching corset dress and matching panties.

There are sizes for Lara, Lara Petite, Legacy, Legacy Perky, Reborn, Reborn Juicy, and GenX Curvy and Classic.

Petra by Glitzz

Isabella Shirt by Vagrant


This is the standout dress from SLB19 today (actually, I shopped yesterday)!  I’ve now done thirteen of the twenty sims that make up the shopping event.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned yet that the theme for the celebration is “steampunk”.  This genre holds no massive appeal for me (although I appreciate some of the decorations that people dream up for it, for example the steampunk sim at the Sci Fi Con recently).  This might be the reason that I’m not noticing so many clothes as gifts… there are not a lot of people creating clothes for steampunk?

This wonderful lacy dress is available to fit Lara, Lara Petite, Legacy, Legacy Perky, and Reborn.  It comes with a multi color HUD to allowing you to choose the color for the main dress and the accents and belt separately.

Here’s a list of direct teleports for all creators at SLB19 Shop & Hop, where this gift can be found.


This group gift is available at Salt & Pepper.  Their group is rather expensive to join at L$300, but they do have free join times occasionally.  You need to keep a lookout!

I’m going to call this a nighty, as it’s far too transparent to walk down the street in, unless you’re a total exhibitionist lol.  It comes in sizes for Lara, Hourglass, and Freya.  There’s also a nine color HUD to set the lace and the ribbon.

I’m also wearing a set of panties from S&P, which happen to match the HUD’s color palate.  They’re also available as a past group gift in-store.


This is a past group gift from Salt and Pepper.  I joined the group when they had a free join weekend.  These happen every so often so keep your eyes open!  Currently the group is L$300 to join.

The tops and bottoms are separates, as is the chain harness.  There are sizes for Lara, Freya, and Legacy, and you can select colors for all three pieces via the included HUD.

The top is as transparent as the bottoms, and you’re going to be showing off unless you choose a concealing hairstyle like I have here.  Also, there are a few minor rigging flaws in the top, which are nicely hidden if you wear a hairstyle similar to mine 🙂


I’m finally back after my internet access was restored!   Today, I’m showing you a past group gift from Salt and Pepper.   Their group is currently L$300 to join, but they occasionally do free-to-join times, so watch out for them!

This swimsuit is in two pieces, both sized to fit Lara, Freya, and Hourglass.  It comes with a HUD that lets you select from nine colors for each piece.  The most interesting thing about the suit however, is if you get it wet in Linden water, it actually changes texture and drips as it dries off.  A very cool feature!

You can pick how long it takes to dry, or you can set it to permanently wet or dry, and switch the dripping on or off.

It also includes a towel, which dries you off in a hurry!  What a great idea!


If you were lucky enough to take advantage of the FREE join up to the Salt & Pepper group the other day (now back to L$300), you’re already being rewarded with this awesome group gift just released today!

This dress is sized to fit Lara, Lara Petite, Legacy, Legacy Perky, and Reborn.  It comes with a twelve color HUD with a mix of pastels and vibrant colors!


I’ve always liked creations by a store called Salt & Pepper, but they’ve been one of the groups that I’ve never bothered joining because of the cost.  But right now (and tomorrow the 3rd of February) the group is FREE to join!

The store has lots of nice things, including a number of past group gifts.  I joined the group and grabbed this dress as it has some pretty prints in redhead suitable colors 🙂

It’s sized for Lara, Lara Petite, Legacy, and Legacy Perky.  As I mentioned, it comes with some pretty prints in a HUD – eight of them.  But that’s not all, it also has fourteen solids and six “holo” materials too!  The HUD also contains seven choices for the chain, making this a very nice versatile gift!


Hi sweets, today I yet another FREE gift from the Winter Shop & Hop event to show you!

This really nicely done sweater dress and sleeves set is by Salt and Pepper.  The sleeves and dress are separate, and both come in sizes for Lara, Freya, and a one-size-fits-all for classic avatars.  Also included is a twelve color HUD the lets you texture the dress, sleeves, and the tie separately.