The Black Widow

The theme of the weekend dance at Sisters of Eden this past Saturday was Heroes and Villains, and in honour of the new Avengers movie, I decided to come as one of my favourite characters — the beautiful Natasha Romanova, the Black Widow.  Fortunately for me, Xtra Ordinary had just the perfect outfit!

Black Widow comes with fitmesh jacket, corset, boots and combat belt, bento gloves and Maitreya and Omega appliers for the catsuit.

Decorative mesh pistols are also included that are initially configured to attach at the utility belt (holstered).  These guns are non-scripted decorations only, and do not include holsters.  Note that the vendor art depicts held pistols and holsters: these are not included, but are the Raven pistols from Breach, and can be found here.  For the above shot, I simply attached the right-hand pistol to my hand, and did a little editing to adjust the position just right.

I also found that I had to be careful on applying the catsuit layer on my Maitreya body: if I applied to the clothing layer, I’d have conflict (poke-through) between the catsuit and the corset.  Application to the underwear layer worked just right, however.

I’d been wanting a good Black Widow costume for quite a while: I’m so glad to have found Xtra Ordinary.  They have some incredible things at wonderful prices, a few of which I’ll share with you in the future.

Mahalo!  A hui hou!


Ice storm

I know, Christmas passes and many of us take down the lights, we put away decorations, we start thinking of spring…. but spring is a long way away, and Winter still has a lot of beauty to share.  Glitter has a lot of beauty to share, too — Queen of Ice was one of their Advent gifties, and it’s too beautiful to keep to myself.  🙂

Queen of Ice features Omega and Belleza appliers with beautiful flexi add-on bits for the gown and veils.  It features a high neckline which let me get away with the beautiful Heart of the Sea from Zuri, a beautiful gift from a more beautiful friend.  Heart features a HUD with a choice of gemstones!

There is a lot of sparkle in the Winter… icicles and snowflakes.. and while we may get tired of the cold, remember that the heat will come all too soon.  The magic is all around us!

Mahalo!  A hui hou!