Dark magic

Today I was setting up for an event later in the week where the theme is light and dark fairy.  I chose dark as I have a better selection of goth things than happy fairy things, and while you’ve probably seen most of these items before in various posts, this is a new combination.

If I remember correctly, I purchased this wonderful skin from Lumae for a similar event over a year ago.  The skin comes with these fabulous ears in three sizes that match the skin perfectly.

The dress is Lara fitmesh, and there are Slink versions of it as well.  I’ve posted full details in the blog before.  Once I had the dress, I started searching for other bits and pieces to fill out the look.  The lace bottom of the dress is nice, but I sort of wanted something even more tattered looking.  Surprisingly, a tattoo achieved nearly exactly what I had in mind, and when viewed from a distance, the tattoo seems to blend into the dress.

There are a lot of appliers and HUDs going on behind the scenes here!  I thought I’d show you a screenshot with most of them attached so you can see just how complex this outfit is 🙂  There are HUDs for body and head skins, wing control, my Lara and GA.EG control HUDs, the top, bottom, and feet tattoos, nails, lipstick, eye makeup, and Omega relays OMG 🙂  I haven’t bothered showing the HUD for the hairstyle.   All in all, I think there are 15 HUDs involved!  The list below is going to be long!

An unladen sparrow

Well, no, they’re not sparrow’s wings, and okay, I know that Blue shared this outfit some long while back, but I borrowed it from her and paired it with some new wings from Material Squirrel for a themed party.  I had to take a few shots, and I really wanted to share a few with you for a LotD.


  • Material Squirrel – Sofiel Angel Wings
  • Le Muguet – Girly Mood skirt & top
  • Incognito – Moon Princess necklace, bright white

The Sofiel wings are flexi, not mesh.  There’s a wonderful HUD for control, and they flutter nicely.  Now — I have quite a few flexi butterfly-type wings, and they’re great.  Feathered wings are a little more difficult — you expect them to have more depth, a little more heft.  So, I’ll tell you right up that that’s lacking, and when you happen to catch a wing edge-on it looks a bit silly.  That said, there isn’t a good inexpensive flexible alternative (there are plenty of rigid mesh feathered wings, but they do not move.  These are an excellent middle-of-the-road alternative: reasonably priced, good for costumes (or just when you feel particularly light-of-wing) — and they look good!


Mahalo!  A hui hou!