
“I think you have your dress caught in your garter belt!” Aeon said when she saw this dress 🙂

This is a clever mix of fitmesh and applier clothing, specific to Maitreya Lara.  There is not even an Omega applier for the stockings!  It was an MM prize at Ko-H, and I expect it will be available again on their board as they tend to cycle through a number of items.  Visit the store and have a look!

My hairstyle is by Alice Project, and at the time of writing is still available on their MM board if you want to slap it 🙂  It comes with an essentials HUD with a nice color selection, although the red is not my favorite.

Leather leggings and Bra top

This was an MM board win from Ko-H the other day.  Aeon says the top makes me look stacked lol.  I swear I didn’t use any padding!

The top and tights are fitmesh for Maitreya Lara only.

I also what to point out this cool hair from Little Bones.  It comes with a HUD to change colors, nothing surprising.  What is surprising is it comes with another HUD that allows you to reposition the hair over either shoulder, and does some nice little hair flick animations when you do it 🙂  So cool!