A Charming Collaboration

What’s better than a new release from one of your favourite merchants?  How about a new release from a collaboration of two of your favourites?  Solas at Blue Moon Enterprises and Bee Dumpling at The White Armory have teamed up to bring you the Ivy Rose Gown, now at We <3 Role-Play.  This stunning mesh gown features swishy flexi add-ons at the hip and sleeve, and comes in seven delicious colours, with a fatpack available.  This is the gold:


I don’t want to overload you with pics, but I had to include a few of the colours — shown below, mint, periwinkle, and silver.




Ivy Rose is also available in pink, sky, and teal.  I’m really hoping that Bee and Solas team up for more collaborations in the future.

Ivy Rose comes in seven mesh sizes plus a Slink, Belleza/Maitreya, and standard fitmesh versions.  There is a demo of Ivy Rose available, so please stop by We <3 Role-Play and pick one up today!

Mahalo, and a hui hou!



When I heard the learned astronomer….

You know what?  Walt Whitman did a lot of good, but that poem gets it all completely wrong.  Old Walt may have understood a lot… but he clearly didn’t understand the thrill of understanding.

I picked up this lovely outfit as part of the hunt, and love it enough that I had to share it with you!


Let me make a statement here: NO, astrology is not based on science.  But the planetary symbols used here are used by astronomers as well.  I have not seen the constellation symbols used, however.  In any case, I can love the dress — and the detail — without buying into astrological mumbo-jumbo!


The necklace and headband feature planetary symbols — Mercury on the headband, Pluto, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, and Mercury on the necklace.Alchemist_c006

A momentary rant?  There is a lovely belt that is included with this outfit, but it suffers one of the problems that I’ve seen multiple times in SL.  The belt is too large for the outfit, and can’t be resized small enough!  now, that’s one thing when you have fitmesh or SL layers or appliers — but when you are using the standard mesh sizes, the creator should be very aware of how small the item needs to be!  Unfortunately, the belt that goes with this was no-mod, so I couldn’t unlink it and properly size it.  🙁   Fortunately, the dress looks good even without the belt.  Please, creators!  Pay attention to your sizes when you’re creating accessories!  Not everyone in SL is an amazon!

Okay, rant-mode off.  🙂   Mahalo, everyone!  A hui hou!

Tropical Blossoms

Kerryth at Spyralle has surprised us all with a lovely gift available for everyone.  She’s been updating older outfits with Omega appliers to replace the SL clothing layers, and has offered the Heliconia Kilau’ea as an open gift to all — no group membership needed for this one!


Heliconia comes with three lovely skirt designs, two versions of a three-tiered design (one of which is pictured above) and a simple single flat-hemmed skirt (shown in the images below).  The skirts are flexi, and swish very nicely as you walk or dance.


Kerryth’s fractal-inspired artwork and lovely colour palettes just make her work a true joy to wear, and perfect for the lu’au.


Stop on by Spyralle and pick up Heliconia, and take a look at Kerryth’s many other amazing works.  You won’t be sorry you did!

Mahalo, and a hui hou!

A Fleeting Enchantment

I have to share with you a lovely set of dresses from Solas and Blue Moon Enterprises.  Elina is currently available at Enchantment until the end of May, but will be in the Blue Moon mainstore after that.  Elina is all mesh, in standard sizes plus Maitreya and Slink fitmesh.  YAY!


Elina comes in four different coloured skirts: sky (blue), rose (lavender), reed (green),  and blush (white).  Each one features gold embroidery trim and a corset/belt with a four-texture colour-change hud (matching blue, lavender, green and gold).


Just a little close-up on the wonderful Odyssey necklace from Spyralle!


I wanted to put up lots and lots of pictures showing the different colour combinations, but that would have gotten out of hand very quickly.  You can head over to my flickr page, though, and see quite a few options, including pics of all four corset colours with the blush skirt.

Please go take a look at Enchantment today, and stop by and say ‘hi’ to Solas at Blue Moon!

Mahalo!  A hui hou!