
Not only is Osiris the ancient Egyptian God of the Dead and ruler of the Underworld, but he was also the god of resurrection and fertility.  Talk about lots of responsibility!

This dress is a group gift from Canimal, which is FREE to join.  The dress only comes in fitmesh for Lara, and being named for Osiris, must be in black (but it does come with an eleven color texture HUD hehe).

There are a couple of minor clipping issues with the collar, but most won’t be noticeable dancing, which is what I’m intending to do in this outfit today!

Lost in Space

Blue’s been showing a number of free gifties from Canimal lately, so I thought I’d better get my favourite one in!  Mercury is a beautiful two-piece Maitreya Lara fitmesh outfit that comes complete with a lovely 15-texture HUD.  

The top is really adorable with the belly tie and a cute little peter-pan collar and cuffs. But…. are you really *sure* this is going to put my atoms all back in the right order on the other side?

I don’t usually talk about the poses I feature, but that top one (Flight 15) is from a lovely new pose shop that I recently discovered.  Poseidon Poses features a lot of action poses, particularly action-hero and fantasy poses.  They’re really quite remarkably done, you’ll see some more of their work from me in the future.

Canimal has a lovely wall of free gifties, so stop on by and take a look!

Mahalo!  A hui hou!


Here’s a store that’s new to me: Canimal.  They have nine group gifts just waiting for you, and their group is FREE to join!

The shorts and jacket are separates, and are for Lara only.

Also including is a five color HUD allowing you to color the shorts and jacket separately.  Run out and get yours today!


Here’s another group gift from Canimal.  Canimal is FREE to join, and there are nine, yes nine, really nice group gifts available at the store, this one included!

The dress is fitmesh for Lara only, and comes with a nine color HUD so you can (at least in my case) find a color to suit your hair 🙂

The rigging is well done, and I didn’t notice any issues.  It uses the auto-alpha feature for Lara, and depending on what pose you’re in, you may have to un-alpha a little, as the hem is right on an alpha cut boundary.  Other than that, it’s a great little mini!