Where’s my towel?

I’m not sure what’s going on here.  I just needed a buffered analgesic, and here I am wondering why there’s a bowl of petunias.  Thank goodness for Eclectic Stars, or I’d be totally lost.

at least I found my towel.  So I’ve got that going for me… which is nice.

Stop by Eclectic Stars and see what else Jadziyah has cooked up for you.  And enjoy a little bit of quirky fun.  🙂

Mahalo!  A hui hou!

Warm and flirty

Mmmms, a warm snuggly sweater and a short skirt and cute boots?  Yes, they’re more happy gifts from Baby Monkey.  Complete the look with stockings and suspenders from Alaska Metro and it’s a warm and flirty look that I just love.

Is the skirt a bit short for stockings?  maybe… but I kinda like the tease.

Mahalo!  A hui hou!


I’ve shared Sparta from Ally★Adventure with you in the past, so I thought I’d show you one of the other lovely products Ally has produced.  Dolphin is a sexy monokini with an amazing reflective (and transparent!) texture.  It comes with appropriately-positioned body lights to show it off just so — without being annoying as so many face lights are.

Dolphin (or nai’a in ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi) is available in the five standard rigged mesh sizes.  It appears that some of Ally’s newer items are available in fitmesh, you can be sure I’ll be checking those out!  And you must have a materials-enabled viewer to take advantage of this one… but the sparkle and shimmer are amazing.    You can find free demos of everything at Ally★Adventure, so please stop on by!

Mahalo! A hui hou!


Daughter of the sea

All life comes from the Sea.

  • Spyralle — Waverider Green Flash tattoo, fins, drape and crown
  • Luminesse — Sea Turtle Green Agate necklace & earrings
  • Exposeur Props and Poses — February Gift 15-6M pose (Marketplace Link)

When Kerryth at Spyralle came out with Waverider in mesh fins and Omega appliers (or standard SL layers) I thought WOW!  All it needs is a tail to be a perfect mermaid.  I’ve been on the hunt for a tail to a) complement it, and b) work with a mesh body ever since.

.:!EVolved creatures!:. came to the rescue, with a Bento enabled tail.   This tail waves so very smoothly, it is a joy to swim!

EVolved creatures has really put together a remarkable tail even without Bento.  MErmaid tail #1 features an amazing HUD that allows you to adjust glow, transparency, and alpha of the fins, belt, and scales.  There’s a skin blender at the waist, and an amazing selection of scale patterns.  I’ve shown a lightning-y one above — it’s my favourite as I think it complements Kerryth’s Waverider patterns (lightning is awfully fractal in nature, you know).  I thought I’d show you a few other options as well, though.

You can’t see the full crown so well with Calico‘s Talia hair, but it features a band across the forehead with fins from the side, and the same fractal motif as the body tattoo.  Luminesse‘s green agate Sea Turtle jewelry completes the ensemble.

I’ll admit, I took WAY too many pics of this, but I have so totally fallen in love with this outfit, both with and without the tail.  There are a host of pictures on flickr, and I’ll post more over the next few days.

Please go try out EVolved creatures‘s tail, there’s a 1L demo.  It doesn’t feature the HUD, but you can see how well it fits and how well it moves.  One quick note — the Bento tail can misbehave a bit on mermaid dances and animations (although it does fine on poses).  This is a Bento issue, and Tithis at EVolved is aware of it and working on the problem.  There will be a free update when it’s solved!

From this wahine hiʻu iʻa to all of you, aloha kakou!  Mahalo! A hui hou!


Gilding the Lily

Newness at the Fantasy Gacha Carnival!  Silvan Moon Designs offers Lily of Dellhollow, a beautiful new mesh outfit in multiple independent components — top, vest, belt, skirt and pareo.

Lily is offered in three commons (aqua, pink, green) and rare red!  As with all the lovely SMD offerings, it comes in standard mesh sizes plus Maitreya and  SLink fitmesh.

You might know, it takes a lot to get me to wear red, as it often clashes with my ginger…. but the Lily gacha rare is stunning.  Add a ribbon from .wound to complete the look!

SMD offers a lot of role-play and period pieces, but this is one of those that I can see wearing on a much wider basis.  Solas and Bee keep coming out with amazing work.  Visit the Fantasy Gacha Carnival, and stop by Silvan Moon Designs and give them some love!

Mahalo!  A hui hou!

The light of dawn

Sister of Selene, goddess of the Moon, and  Helios, god of the Sun is Eos, goddess of the dawn.  Spyralle‘s  Eos is just as bright and beautiful as her namesake!

  • Spyralle — Eos gown, updated with Omega appliers
  • Luminesse — Sea Turtle Purple/Green/Orange Agate necklace & earrings
  • [L.Warwick] — Savannah Ankle Strapped Heels (Grape Leather)
  • GLITTER — May Group Gift #2 pose

I love Luminesse’s honu Sea Turtle jewelry sets! They are bright and cheery and feel like they are at once casual and fancy — or can be, whichever you need.  And when you are wearing purple hair, that’s exactly the flexibility you want!

Kerryth has updated Eos with Omega appliers, although it’s still available in SL clothing layers.  It features several different flexi add-on pieces to complete the gown, gauzy and gorgeous!

Stop by Spyralle and take a look at her Omega-updated outfits, as well as all of the beautiful mesh.  Mahalo!  A hui hou!


A little bit dangerous

Carrie’s Lingerie wants to make sure that you’re dressed to kill this Valentine’s Day.

  • Carrie’s Lingerie — Sensual Lace Bra, Panty, Globe & Stocking Set (twelve colours, available separately)
  • Carrie’s Lingerie —  Seductive Mesh Corset (two six-colour texture-change HUD, darks and pastels)
  • Carrie’s Lingerie — Essential Mesh Skirt (two six-colour texture-change HUD, darks and pastels)
  • Zuri Jewelry Heart of the Sea Elite Necklace & Earrings
  • [L.Warwick] — Savannah Ankle Strapped Heels (Noir Leather)

Both the corset and the skirt are provided in the five standard rigged sizes plus fitmesh for SLink Physique & Hourglass and Maitreya mesh bodies.   The corset has versions for Isis and Freya bodies as well  The bra & panty set features standard SL layers plus Omega appliers.

Carrie’s Lingerie has been making a lovely foray into fitmesh, and I’m glad to see it. I’d really like Carrie to revisit the Desire negligee in fitmesh, but I won’t hold my breath!  Stop by and take a look at the February offerings — there’s just too much sensuality to put into one post!

Mahalo!  A hui hou!

Soft and warm

I don’t know about you, but Advent leaves me with a mess of an inventory that I slowly work my way through!  Baby Monkey had a delightful suite of gifts for Advent 2016, including the lovely Raffaela sweater dress and boots. 

You’ve seen me with .wound‘s ribbon choker before — it’s one of my favourite pieces.  It comes in three different HUD-driven palettes — vibrant, dark (shown) and a neutrals.  Each one comes with unscripted and RLV versions.  Unfortunately, while the RLV version works, it’s an older RLV script and is not updateable.   Nevertheless, this is the best ribbon I’ve found!

  • K&SDance 5 pose

The high suede boots have a lovely little shroud at the heel.  Maybe not practical in the snowy slush… but oooo so cute!

Take a look on flickr for a few more images, including my favourites.  If you’re not a member of Baby Monkey you should definitely free up a group slot.  Over the past few years I have loved watching Pixie’s creations keep getting better and better!

Mahalo!  A hui hou!

A splash of warmth

Yes, I can celebrate the ice and snow one day and the warmth and the surf the next — or a couple days later, anyway!  Spyralle‘s lovely mu’umu’u is perfect for enjoying the late afternoon Sun.  And it’s just perfect to welcome Oahu back to SL.  I don’t know how long it’s been back, but this happy little sim holds a place dear to my heart, and I was sad when it closed up about a year ago!

A plumeria for the hair and a blossom on a nice gold chain are courtesy of Island Style Designs.

Spyralle‘s lovely styles and wonderful gifts will thrill you throughout the year.  Stop by, become a member, and enjoy Kerryth’s fine work.  If you’re not familiar with how Kerryth runs the group, Spyralle‘s VIP group alternates between free and a fee.  When there’s a gift offered, there’s a charge, and when there’s no active group gift, it’s free.  You can wait until it’s free, but I have to tell you: there is a HOST of lovely gifts — including this mu’umu’u — available to members right now.  It’s so worth joining and holding on to that membership.  I’m not sure how long the gifts will be there, so I hope you take advantage of it right away!

Happy Monday, my friends.  Hold Aloha in your hearts, it will warm you any day of the week, every week of the year!  Mahalo!  A hui hou!

A ranger for a silvan moon

A silvan moon?  Is that like a Forest moon?  or a little nod to the passing of Gene Cernan?   Certainly the Ranger probes didn’t land among the trees.

No, it’s a desperate attempt to come up with a clever title to share Silvan Moon Designs‘s beautiful Ranger of Islavare.

Daisy Wreath from Caverna Obscura is an old favourite, but the Family Tree of Life pendant is a lovely new item from Earthstones.  It features a choice of metal options, plus three gems that are independently selectable from the “standard” set of birthstone colours.

Ranger of Islavare is featured in five different colours — four of which are shown here.  Shadow (shown at the top) is a lovely black theme, and below you can see Hunter (sagey green), Brooke (dark blue), and Rune (aqua).  There’s also Secret, a beautiful dark red (not shown).

Ranger features the dress, leggings, cloak and matching boots (not shown here).  Dress and leggings are available in the five standard rigged sizes plus standard, Slink Physique and Maitreya fitmeshes.  There are also standard layer and Slink, Belleza, and Maitreya appliers for the leggings to help you work better with legging/boot conflicts.

Silvan Moon Designs keeps coming out with amazing work.  Stop by and give them some love!

Mahalo!  A hui hou!