Little Red Riding hood

So I did another DJ set, this time with a forest theme… and as a follow on to my last Alice in Wonderland outfit, I did a similar one for Little Red Riding Hood 🙂

I used the same laced demi-top with half sleeves CB155 from Cool Big Bird, this time colored red (and of course still with the transparency set to be a bit sheer). I added the same shoulder puffs from the Ninianne gown by Arwen’s Creations, this time in red; and the same Lolita Lace Cuffs by Sweet Thing. In place of Alice’s apron I used the Baude skirt from Gunshot, adjusting it in color and using the lace trim. The hood is the Winter Cape from Caverna Obscura; fitting hair under such things can always be a challenge but I found the right thing, some short resizable hair, F106, from KMH available at this month’s Salon 52 hair event.

Did I mention there was nothing under this tiny skirt either? Did I need to? 😀 The boots here are the Tana Boots from Reign, along with the same lace stocking appliers I used in the Alice oufit, from !Love-Lei!.

I’m off through the woods to granny’s house! Cheers!

Alice in Wonderland

Recently I did a DJ set where I built an Alice in Wonderland decoration, complete with falling down a rabbit hole. As is my wont, I created my own Alice costume for it. And is also my wont, it had to be a somewhat sexy Alice. And as a third wont (wont, wont wont! Oh… sorry!), I made it a mix ‘n match special, including some full perm items.

The basis for the top is the laced demi-top with half sleeves CB155 from Cool Big Bird, which being full perm I colored in light blue and then set the transparency to be a bit more revealing. To this I added the shoulder puffs and long flexi sleeves from the Ninianne gown by Arwen’s Creations; and the Lolita Lace Cuffs by Sweet Thing. Alice has to have an apron, and the Jewel Ruffle Skirt by Bivvia fit that bill; I set the main part of the skirt to transparent, leaving just the top belt and the apron, then colored appropriately. The white part of the apron was also set to be partly transparent for a see through look.

Did I mention there was anything under that apron? Must have slipped my mind to include anything there, gosh… I did add some mesh bows on the hips to ease an awkward transition in the mesh of the apron and its belt. Supplementing the ensemble are (what else?) my fave boots from Candy Kitten.

I also found a new (to me) pose vendor in SEmotions, which has a nice set called Modeling Poses Set 52 at the Equal 10 event this month. Did I mention there was nothing under the apron? One could of course set the transparencies on the top and apron to opaque, and add a bikini bottom… but, why? 😀

Come join me for a little tea, my friends! Just be careful of that rabbit… and anyone wearing odd hats! Cheers!

A Princess in her Garden

One of my favorite gown vendors is Arwen’s; I must have a couple dozen of her flexi gowns. I’ve not acquired as many of her later mesh offerings, mostly because I like to wear my outfits to dance in and mesh gowns… well they often don’t move so nice when dancing. However now and then something really catches my eye, as this one did.

Arwen’s is always top notch in the texturing department, and the Jaina gown does not disappoint on this score. The colors are vivid and the detailing superb. The outfit includes Mesh Crown, Mesh Collar, Mesh Pauldrons, Mesh Veil, Mesh Bento Gloves, and an Omega applier for partlet, undershirt & glitch pants. There are 15 colors available.

The only thing I changed was the applier; while the included one (which basically covers the shoulders and upper chest) is not bad, Arwen’s actually has what I think is a better one for this color combination, which is from the Aethereal gowns.

Jaina is available for all major mesh bodies.

  • Outfit: Jaina Fantasy Fitted Mesh Gown; Aethereal Clothing Omega Appliers StarShine Yellow; both by Arwen’s
  • Hair: Farryn by Truth Hair
  • Poses: The Finnley Series – One and The Gina Series – Four by an lar (now closed)

Come share the garden with me, my friends, and we’ll take a lovely little stroll! Cheers!

A View of Skye

A dear friend recently introduced me to Arwen’s Creations, a prolific medieval-themed merchant in SL.  Skye is a lovely Scots-inspired gown in a brilliant green tartan.


Skye has been updated to include Omega blouse and glove appliers to accompany the fitmesh gown and rigged mesh scarf and sleeves.  This outfit has a tonne of options – including opaque and sheer veils as well as several different trim options on the blouse and a colour-change HUD for the gloves.


Because I’m a bit of a nut that way, I did some searching to see if I could find which tartan is featured.  The Isle of Skye was home to Clan MacLeod, which features green and blue with red and yellow details.    This is not MacLeod, but it’s pretty close to Irish National.  The two-toned green suggests a reproduction tartan, I think?  Perhaps that’s for the best.  I’m always a little wary of wearing another clan’s colours!


This lovely outfit is just one of the amazing creations that Arwen’s Creations has to offer.  Stop by and take a look!

Aloha!  A hui hou!  Or, perhaps, more appropriately, Bidh mi ‘gad fhaicinn!