
The March We Love Role Play event has started, and Silvan Moon Designs has a lovely outfit for you.  The Lady Ariana gown comes in nine different spring-light colours, including the white shown here.

Lady Ariana comes in fitmesh for both SLink bodies as well as the Maitreaya Lara, and demos are available at We Love Role Play as well as a fatpack with all nine colours!  There are two pieces, a bodice and skirt.  The gold brocade-type front panel is on white for all of the gowns.

Stop by the Silvan Moon Designs booth at We Love Role Play!  Silas and Bee make a wonderful team!

Mahalo!  A hui hou!

Cosmic dreams

My lovely aunty Kie Dagger found the most beautiful flirty dress from -Pixiecat- and thought of me!  Dreamy comes in 10 lovely textures, two of which feature an animated overlayer!

I paired Dreamy with the new lovely iridescent Lyra leggings from Alaska Metro.  They’re in Maitreya and Omega appliers as well as standard layers, and come in six beautiful colours — three pleather and three iridescent holo shades.  You can find them at ~~Applique~~!

You can’t see it in the stills, but the little stars on the Dreamy dress are on an animated layer.  They drift serenely slowly over the nebula dress texture, in a very subtle classy way.   The other animated dress, “Clouds”, does much the same thing.

Stop by -Pixiecat- and take a look.  There are a bunch of lovely things I want to try out myself!  And please take a look around ~~Applique~~, there are some lovely things there for the finding!

Mahalo!  A hui hou!

A taste of the East

Happy Monday, my lovely friends!  I just wanted to share this beautiful little cheongsam that I picked up recently from Emerald Couture at The Wash.

The dress comes in the five standard rigged mesh sizes, plus fitmesh for all your favourite bodies — all three Belleza, both SLink, Maitreay, both Tonic, TMP, and Ebody.  You’re well taken care of!

I really love to see fine mesh work and beautiful texturing come together in such a lovely package, it really sets a high bar for clothing in SL.
Have a wonderfully happy Monday everyone.  Mahalo!  A hui hou!

A tale as old as time

Solas and Bee at Silvan Moon Designs have created a new magical gown for the latest round of Enchantment.  The theme this round is the story of Beauty and the Beast, and Solas and Bee have created Belle’s Enchanted Ball Gown just for the occasion!

Belle’s Enchanted Ball Gown comes in six lovely colours and fitmesh for both SLink bodies and Maitreya Lara.  Still no fitmesh for Belleza bodies; hopefully Solas will start supporting those soon!

Kerryth at Spyralle really creates some finely-detailed jewelry, and the Like Gentle Tears tiara just magically seems to suit this gown.  Rain features a five-colour HUD that allows you to tint the hanging crystals in five shimmery light shades. 

The Enchantment sim is really something rather amazing, the builders have put a lot of work into creating the scene, and many merchants (such as Solas and Bee) have created lovely pieces just for this event.  Stop by and take a look!

Mahalo!  A hui hou!


Who says wonderful things have to be spendy?  [Appliers By Valarie] has a host of amazing bodysuit appliers that you have to see to believe.    I picked up a wonderful dollarbie, their Black 50% Catsuit.  It’s got a beautiful gloss (you’ll need to turn up the shine if you’re using the bodysuit on Maitreya Lara.  And oooooo is it transparent.

How transparent is 50% black?  VERY.  How shiny is it?  EVEN MORE.

So… what do you do if you want to wear a shiny bodysuit but social mores frown on being so transparent?  You layer it with something more opaque on a lower layer!

This has become my favourite catsuit, and all for a single linden!

Mahalo, my friends!  A hui hou!

A Grand Spyralle

Kerryth at Spyralle and Tailahr of Tai’Dyed have joined forces to create a new shopping experience for you!  The new Spyralle/Tai’Dyed main store at Mauna Waipio is now open, and it is truly a beautiful sight!

Kerryth  and Tailahr have created a wonderful little mini-hunt to celebrate the Grand Opening.  They have hidden six brightly-coloured polyhedrons (rhombicubotahedrons, for the mathematically/geometrically minded) about the store — each one is animated, and moves about in some way, peeking out and then hiding again.  Six lovely little treasures are hidden inside!

The store is based on the Nu Orne structures from Cerridwen’s Cauldron, and give a lovely sense of magic and enchantment, the perfect setting for Spyralle and Tai’Dyed’s wares.

The new store occupies the southeast portion of the sim: Kerryth and Tailahr ask that you not intrude into the private residential parts of the sim to the North and West.

I think you’re going to love the new digs.  There are a lovely host of beautiful vistas.  The team has been working very hard to bring the new location to you, and have been celebrating with parties.  I hope you enjoy the new shopping experience as much as I have!   Please stop by the new store and take a look today!

Mahalo, my friends!  A hui hou!


Alaska Metro <3 featured this amazing bodysuit back in December for an event, and while I stopped and picked it up, I hadn’t had the chance to share it with you before now.  Kristal is an applier bodysuit that has beautiful reflective detail.  It’s just glorious as you dance under coloured lights!

A good bodysuit works on a Friday night out visiting the clubs….. but is even better when you can come home and lose the jeans…

Kristal comes with two versions, one featuring a modesty panel for those who would rather not be quite so… transparent.  This is definitely one of the best applier textures I’ve ever seen!

Happy Aloha Friday, my wonderful friends!    Mahalo!  A hui hou!


The holidays may be past, but Winter is still roaring in the Northern Hemisphere.  I thought I’d show off this lovely holiday gifty from Spyralle.  Kerryth updated the Cozy sweater with a new wintery icy texture, and it’s just perfect!

I really love the fine detailing on this, the weave of the sweater and Kerryth’s amazing fractal textures!

If you’re not a Spyralle group member, you may not know that Kerryth is moving her mainstore to a new beautiful location.  She gave a sneak peak at New Year’s, but has closed it again until a proper grand-opening ceremony.  It’s beautiful, you’re going to love it.

Happy Friday, everyone, have a lovely weekend.  Mahalo!  A hui hou!

A little silk for Anybody

I can’t resist when the outfit makes me think of music (thanks, Whit) — so maybe a pseudo silk kimono….

Melora at Oubliette has a beautiful little kimono and obi combo for the latest round of AnyBody, available until January 30.   Katsumi Kimono is a lovely racy little outfit, available in six colours (and a fatpack HUD with two additional colours!) and a seven-colour obi HUD.

  • Oubliette — Katsumi Kimono with Obi (6 colours, sold separately plus fatpack) (Maitreya/Physique/Hourglass/Venus/Isis/Freya)
  • OublietteKatsumi Geta footwear/stockings (Maitreya/Physique/Hourglass/Venus/Isis/Freya)
  • EarthStonesFlight of Fancy necklace and earrings
  • Exposeur Props and Poses — February Gift 15-3 pose (Marketplace Link)

Oubliette also offers a geta/stocking combo at Anybody with a many-colour HUD that allows you to texture the stockings, ribbons, and geta separately!

Please stop and take a look at AnyBody today.

Yes, I know, I couldn’t resist!  🙂

Mahalo!  A hui hou!


Kerryth at Spyralle has a wonderful treat.  Réalta was originally offered for the Team Diabetes Winter Showcase, which has now passed by, but it’s now available for purchase in the Spyralle main store!

Réalta comes in the standard five rigged mesh sizes, plus fitmesh for the standard body and for Physique and Hourglass bodies only.  That said, I had no problem using the standard fitmesh on my Lara with the appropriate use of alpha zones.  I LOVE this gown!  Long mesh gowns are always a chore to dance in, but this one is still such a happiness!

Kerryth has five beautiful textures for Réalta.  I loved them so much I couldn’t pick just one to blog, but you’ll have to wait until next week to see the others!  Stop by Spyralle, and look back here next week to see the other textures!

Mahalo!  A hui hou!