Stop! Police!

Now for something completely different 🙂  This is a FREE group gift for the members of  The group is a tiny L$10 to join, but it opens up a vast number of creators all across the grid that offer FREE gifts for members.

The outfit includes the bodysuit (for want of a better word), the hat, boots, and stockings.  The bodysuit is sized for Lara, Physique, and Hourglass, and the boots are sized for the same three bodies.  The stockings are in Maiteya and Slink appliers.

I hate hats in SL 🙂  This one, for some reason, has an invisible prim as the root, and it’s way off center from the hat itself, so the first thing to do is to move that root prim so it’s in line with the hat!  Only then does it become easy to adjust the hat to your hair.  And… this was not going to fit my normal hair without being ridiculously large anyway, so I resorted to my emergency “hat hair”.  If you don’t have a copy of this, it’s certainly worth picking up for those events where you just have to wear a hat, and you can’t be bothered adjusting a hair to fit.

Rant out of the way, I just adore these boots 🙂