
Everything you can think of exists in SL.  As Linden Lab like to say, SL is only limited by your imagination.

So it will come as no surprise that there is a market for BDSM and kink clothing, objects, and furniture in SL.  I’m going to guess that the market is larger than RL, because you can play a kinky role and feel safer than you would in RL.  I’d guess a lot of people who’d like to try something out side the ordinary in RL but never have would have less hesitation trying it in a virtual world.

I tend to be pretty vanilla, and my relationship with Aeon is certainly based on both of us being equal partners, but being the professional model for these pages that I am, I can’t pass up the opportunity to show you interesting items like this harness.

Even if you never engage in anything kinky, you never know when having an outfit like this will win you a Best in Theme contest lol.

There are fits for Lara, Physique, and Hourglass.  There is also a universal color HUD to change the color of the straps.