OK, Hallowe’en

Time for the first serious Hallowe’en costume for the year 🙂

This is a complete outfit from ArisArisB&W.  Included is the bodysuit, boots, horns, mask, tail, wings, and pitchfork, and it’s on special in-store for L$99!

The bodysuit is fitted for Lara, Legacy, Freya, Isis, Venus, Hourglass, Physique, and M.B. Classic and M.B. Legacy.  The boots are specific fitmesh for nearly all the same sizes.  The use of materials is excellent, with both bump and spec maps making the clothing really pop and reflect the red sky I’ve used for the lighting (under daylight, the outfit it basically black).

The wings and tail both have static and animated versions.

I also have to mention the hair.  This is really a pose only hairstyle, and it’s meant to be spread out when you’re laying down on your back, but I thought it looked nice and wild for the devil 🙂  You can pick it up for FREE at the FaMESHedX event.