
It’s an urban jungle out there.  This flash bodysuit from V-Tech might just blend you into the background, letting you get away with whatever you’re doing unnoticed.  It’s a group gift from them, and their group is FREE to join.

And if the bad guys do notice, well, there’s always the trusty 9mm!

The outfit consists of the bodysuit, armwarmers, and stockings as separate pieces.  They are only sized for Lara, but there are versions including a male bulge (in various sizes omg) and for Lara with the Boi Chest.

There is also an included five color HUD that allows you to switch the camo for the top and bottom of the suit, and the armwarmers and stockings.

The only strange thing about this outfit is the stockings are only fitted for the Lara high foot position.  I’m sure you could find some high heeled combat boots if you really looked, but I think it would have been better to not cover the feet with the stockings so we could pick our own sensible combat boots.