Lemon Drop

An old friend of mine in SL is a full time furry.  I think I met him in my first week and have kept in contact on and off over the years.  He’s one of those people in SL that has been content to be a vagabond all his second life, and never had a place to really call home… until he discovered Lemon Drop Valley.

He told me that he took one look at this place and knew he had to grab a little slice of it, and I have to agree with him, it’s one of the prettiest sims in SL 🙂

The place is owned and run by furries, and they’re the predominant people there, although I see no restrictions on who can rent.  There are a number of established group owned houses for rent, but I understand that you can negotiate with the owners to come to a mutually satisfactory deal (the rent is based on L$1 a prim per week).

The sim is rated Adult, and gorgeously decorated, although it would be nice if there were a few more public cuddle spots that overlooked the scenery.

My photos don’t really do it justice, you should go and have a look for yourself!

Destination: Lemon Drop Valley