Laced up mini

Sometimes in SL, strange and mysterious things happen.  Case in point, I was walking down a beach yesterday and a random girl said hello to me, and said “Come and look at this dress I’m trying on”.

The next thing you know, the girl was saying “I can send you one of these dresses”, and despite the fact that I told her I fashion blog and have a million dresses, she sent me one anyway.  I though perhaps she was the creator of the dress and wanted me to blog it, but no, she gifted it to me via marketplace.  Uh OK, her nefarious intentions aside (I assume you can guess what she wanted for her “gift”, and was disappointed), here it is.

The dress comes in sizes for Lara, Freya, Isis, Venus, Hourglass, Physique, and five standard mesh sizes.  It has a four texture HUD with different levels of sheer for the different textures, all in white lace.  Also included are the panties on Omega, Maitreya, Belliza, and Slink appliers, and they come on a standard system underwear layer too if you’d prefer to use BoM.