Kute Kitteh

Here’s another free look for the kemono (at least the kemono specific clothes are free 🙂 )

It’s really interesting that the kemono can fit into a lot of my mesh hairstyles with hardly any modification at all.  It turns out that as my human shape was only just a few inches taller that the default kemono shape that came with the busty torso, I hardly had to tweak anything.

Now the free stuff 🙂

The top and jeans are both available on the marketplace for L$0.  The top comes only in one size to fit the busty torso, but has both a materials and non-materials (shown) version.

The jeans are super for a freebie!  They come with a multitude of sizes including both animal and human legs, and a few other mods I’ve not even heard of yet (hey, this is my third kemono post hehe).  The pack also contains a top for multiple torso versions, but it’s sort of bright orange, which doesn’t go really well with my hair, so you get the other top 🙂

The ears are Bento enabled and flick around with a super cute animation, although it does stick, so I wrote a reset script to drop into them to keep the animation going.  Contact me if you want a copy.  They are really fox ears, but work really well for a feline character.  They were also free at an in-world location.

And the eye mods are just fantastic.  I’ve been looking for some eyes to replace the standard ones that come with the avi, and these were available on the marketplace, again for L$0.  w00t!

The rest of this outfit I had (the hair, the tail, and the whiskers).  Of these, only the whiskers were free.