IWD at Scandalize

For International Women’s Day, Scandalize released this fantastic bikini as a group gift.  I understand the group was free to join on that day too!  Normally, it’s L$100 to join, and I’ve told you at least once before that I think this is an absolute bargain, seeing there are so many high quality past group gifts for members!

This is pale enough pink that I can get away with it 🙂  The bikini is separate tops and bottoms, and the detailing is super nice, including gathers and ties.  The top ruffles even continue all the way up the shoulder straps!

As well as the version here, there is also a crochet version as separate pieces, which I’m not going to show you as I’ve done enough revealing shoots lately lol.

Sizes are limited to Lara, Freya, Isis, and Hourglass.  This is the standard set that Scandalize designs for.