It’s the law

Applier clothing… meh.  But you know, sometimes it can just work with the right combination of other things!  This post is really to show a recent newcomer I helped out that you can get lucky if you look, and you can find things that work together just right, without spending a lot of money.

I put this together from things I already had, and won a significant amount of money on a “Best in Uniform” contest by doing so.  Lets look at some of the things.

When Bootgasm still had an in-world store, they ran lucky chairs.  I won these boots from them.  Ditto on the pistol at the creator’s store.  And the hair was a free group gift.  The uniform and the cap cost L$35 all up.  And I think I won over L$400 in the contest!

So, with a little ingenuity, luck, and small outlay, contests can earn you a little bit of money!  And if you don’t win, at least you built up your wardrobe hehe