Island visit

I was scouting locations for photographs and I come across this lovely Greek island town.  As well as the custom mesh that the creator has made for the houses, there’s a more touristy waterfront as well.  A really nice place to visit, and very photogenic too.

And what better than to wear in the heat of the day here than this backless floral romper!

The romper is August’s group gift from Powdermoon, and their group is FREE to join.

The romper comes in opaque and sheer versions in standard mesh sizes and fitmesh for Lara, Freya, Isis, Venus, Hourglass, Physique, Curvy, and Fine.  The sheer version is not too see-through, you can just see the outline of your body through it, and is the one I’m wearing in the photos.

Having said that, the back, other than being backless, is pretty cheeky 🙂