Horses and dragons, oh my!

Every Saturday at Eden, we have themed parties.  With 52 of them a year, sometimes we struggle to come up with good themes, and sometimes we fall back on old trusted ones.  Last Saturday, we did the latter.  Well, with a twist.  I suggested a “Best in Tattoos” party and Nandi, the manager at Eden said “No, Best in Tattoos and panties ONLY!”  lol.  So, I went looking for a full body tatt to maintain at least some modesty 🙂

I found this tattoo on marketplace.  I remember the last time we did this theme, I ran around lots of in-world stores looking for a good tattoo, wasting at least a couple of hours doing so.  And while I found a reasonably good one, this one beats it hands down.

There are a couple of different versions in the box including green (shown), blue, and purple.  They are on system tattoo layers and also come with appliers for Maitreya, Slink, and Omega.  The artwork on this is superb, and the matching at the seams is flawless.

It’s not cheap at L$320, but you certainly get quality for your money!