
You’ll have to run for this one!  It’s (nominally) on as a Fifty Linden Friday item, but the vendor is not in the FLF group, so it may be available for more than just the few hours left until midnight at the time of posting this.  Good luck!

This is not my usual style, but I really wanted to grab it as it’s PBR enabled, and I wanted to show you just how good PBR can make things look if it’s done right!

All the gold reflections are not textured on, but are true reflections achieved with the new texture and rendering system.  This environment is [TOR] SUNSET – Buccaneers of the coast.  If I switch it to something like Orac – green, you guessed it, all the reflections would be green!

I shot this in the pre-release version of Firestorm that “supports” PBR, which you can get by joining the Phoenix Firestorm Preview Group (or self compile the viewer like I do… join the group, it’s far easier hehe).

Beq Janus from the FS team posted yesterday about where the FS devs are with PBR support in Firestorm.  While her article sounds positive, there are still glitches (to be fair, she acknowledges this in the article).  I had to twiddle lights and graphics settings multiple times to get this to work.  We shall see if things improve after the Materials Featurette release drops.

OK, enough drooling over PBR, back to the outfit!

The back wings and small harness they are connected to are separate from the main bodysuit.  There are sizes for Lara, Lara Petite, Legacy, Legacy Perky, and Reborn.  There are two color choices at the store, this and a full black version.  Other colors are available, but are not included in the L$50 deal.

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