Entice corset

Hello lovely reader!  I have a bit more time today to show you this rather awesome corset I picked up at Entice recently.

Entice has some really nice clothes in-store, and a whole bunch of older stuff on their marketplace store.  Their group is FREE to join, and there are always great things on their Midnight Mania boards (one board is group only, and the other is no group needed), and group gifts too!

This corset however wasn’t a win from a board but rather I came across a L$500 gift card to the store that I think I picked up as a gift at an event ages ago.  I thought it was empty, but to my surprise, it wasn’t!  Yay!  Free shopping!

The corset is L$200 for a single color in-store, and there are eight colors available, or there is a fatpack with two addition colors at a substantial saving.

The corset comes in sizes for Lara, Isis, Freya, and Hourglass, and the fit for Lara is very nice.  No alphas needed!

I try never to turn my back on a photographer (even when it’s me) but the back of the corset has some amazing mesh detailing, so this time I’ll make an exception.