The magic of summer

Blue Moon Enterprises is currently participating in the Creations Park Shop, and is offering you an incentive to stop by and check it out.

100% of all proceeds from items sold at Creations Park go to Team Fox for research into treating Parkinson’s Disease.


Summer Fae is a beautiful all-mesh two-layer dress and wings that I’m fairly sure must be made of pure fairy sparkles.  The wings are unscripted, but have a lovely gentle flutter to them – and the texture is gorgeous.


Even if you fold your wings, you are still made of magic.

Slip off the overdress…. and you have a classy number ready for an evening out.


Solas already has a lovely August group gift out, this one is a bonus for the event.  Stop by Creations Park, pick up Summer Fae, and spend a few lindens.  You’ll help Team Fox fight against a nasty debilitating condition, and find some fantastic treasures for yourself!

Mahalo! A hui hou!

A jewel for royalty

Sometimes I’m just utterly amazed.  There are such incredible products out there in SL, and they keep getting better and better.  Eternal Jewel, the latest offering from Silvan Moon Designs for the Fantasy Gacha Carnival is just one of those amazing pieces.

Eternal Jewel is all-mesh, and like all of Silvan Moon Designs‘ products, comes in the five standard mesh sizes as well as Maitreya, Belleza, and Slink fitmesh.EternalJewel_c001

Now, I’ll tell you — Eternal Jewel has four common components (gown, overskirt, sleeves and belt), a rare crown, and an ultrarare colour-change HUD with seven different colours (green, aqua, blue, violet, red, white, black).   You can look at Blue Moon’s blog site to see the vendor pics featuring the HUD and one of the solid-colour schemes.  But what caught my eye was the ability to independently set the six different components of the outfit — and create your own distinct look. There are just too many options, but you can find some of my favourites below!

The Fantasy Gacha Carnival opens TODAY, August 7 SLT!  Please stop by — there are just too many treasures to pass up!

Mahalo!  A hui hou!

Longing for the horizon…


  • a coarse-mannered woman who is prone to shouting.
  • (archaic) a woman who sells fish.

Let’s say that the gorgeous mesh netting on Blue Moon Enterprises‘s August Group Gift has something to do with fish, then, because I’d hate for anyone to think that I had coarse manners!


Fishwife‘s beautiful mesh is available in the five standard mesh sizes.  I found it to be a bit tricky on the Physique mesh body due to awkwardly-positioned alpha zone boundaries, but the lovely design makes it worth it.


I’ll admit – sometimes I get really excited about the pictures I take.  Most of the time, actually, I’m pretty happy about them, but sometimes I get particularly excited.  So… join me, and gaze to the far-off horizon.  What wonders await us out there?

A hui hou, my friends!  Mahalo!

Rainforests and sea turtles

The sun goes down and as the cool air sweeps down from Maunakea, we think, perhaps, that something a bit warmer than my pareo might be in order.  For a comfortable yet classy appearance, try the lovely Niike from Spyralle.  Niike Rainforest is Spyralle current group gift, and comes in the standard five mesh sizes plus three fitmesh sizes.Niika_c004

  • Spyralle – Niike Rainforest gown (Group Gift, 2016/07)
  • Spyralle – Honu Bone and  pāua shell necklace and earrings
  • [L.Warwick] – Savannah Ankle Strapped Heels – Noir Leather

The three included fitmesh sizes are not Slink/Belleza/Matreya fitmeshes, but I was able to get one to fit my Slink Physique pretty well.  As you might guess, any difficulty lies around the collar and chest.  Fortunately, not only are demos available, but Rainforest is yours free!


Spyralle has done a lovely necklace and earring set for the Genre:Polynesia event.   Honu (“sea turtle”, in ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi)  comes in several colour schemes, here shown in bone and pāua shell.  Honu is strung on a very simple thin cord, I think I’d prefer if it were on a slightly longer leather thong, perhaps, but it is a lovely piece!  I also picked up the koa and mother-of-pearl, which I’ll show off in a later post.


Niike is a beautiful gown, and Rainforest is free to group members right now!  Stop by Spyralle and pick it up, and take a look at the other lovely colours that Kerryth has put up for sale.  Then go take a look at Genre:Polynesia for the lovely Honu necklace and earring sets.  They’re too pretty to pass up!

Aloha, a hui hou!

Charlie’s Angel

Well, I’m no angel… but I might be feeling a little devilish in Charlie, a lovely corset in the Carrie’s Lingerie VIP collection, complete with boy shorts, stockings and gloves.

  • Carrie’s Lingerie — Charlie  (black/blue) corset, boy shorts, gloves, stockings and garter  (VIP collection)
  • [L.Warwick] – Savannah Ankle Strapped Heels – Noir Leather


Charlie features Omega appliers and standard layers for all items, as well as a lovely little mesh bow tie.

Charlie_c002Charlie is all kinds of class — I just need a top hat to top it off.    Stop on by Carrie’s Lingerie and take a look!

Mahalo!  A hui hou!

Rising from the waves

Aloha!  If you have any trouble seeing any images, please go look at my flickr page.  We’re having some occasional problems with images right now!

As light as a gentle sea breeze, Silvan Moon Designs brings us this diaphanous shift for the Fantasy Cream event!

Aquella Marina features a mesh shift in the five standard sizes, plus Belleza, Maitreya, and Physique fitmesh.  The bikini bottoms are Omega applier (with system layer included).  Optional flexi tendrils are also included, as is a very aquatic mesh headpiece!


The headpiece is the same for the four different colours, but is very nicely blended to complement each dress.AquellaMarina_c005

Aquella Marina certainly has an aquatic feel to it — perfect for a naiad or nymph — but remove the headpiece and tendrils, and you have a very lovely gauzy chemise.




Stop by the Fantasy Cream market!  Visitors are invited to vote for your favourite exclusive creation, and three voters will be randomly selected to win a huge prize provided by some of the merchants!  It’s a deal that can’t be beat.

Mahalo!  A hui hou!


Dear Abby

Dear Abby – 

Today I decided to become dangerous.  I decided to be bold.  I decided to wear my pink like I meant it, framed in black lace.

And dear Abby, I am not asking you for advice.  I’ve got my own confidence, and you can stick it if you don’t like it.

Sincerely – 





Bend with the breeze

The latest from Silvan Moon Designs is the lovely Willow Spirit, an all-mesh dress evoking the art nouveau style.  Willow Spirit comes in five colours, so a bunch of pictures for you today!



Each colour comes with its own matching headband.


As with other Silvan Moon products, Willow Spirit comes in the standard five mesh sizes plust Maitreya, Belleza, and Slink fitmesh!



It’s not news, perhaps, that a long mesh gown has something of a limited use to someone who really likes to dance.  But Willow Spirit just keeps growing on me, and I find myself wearing it just for fun.  This is one beautiful outfit that is a perfect addition to my wardrobe.  Keep up the good work, Silvan Moon!

Mahalo! A hui hou!

Rising from the waters

Sometimes…. the pearls are hidden in the flotsam and jetsam.

At the beginning of June, I had gone to pick up the group gift from Blue Moon Enterprises (always a treat) and had apparently then completely forgotten about it.  It wasn’t until earlier today that I was looking at my inventory (the flotsam and jetsam in this case) and OMG stumbled across Selkie, a beautiful mesh skirt and tie-back bandau.


The skirt comes in the standard mesh sizes, but the bandau comes in a single size.  I was a bit distraught at first, as it was much larger than my chest!  But Solas made the bandau mod, so that you can edit the top.  Simply select ‘edit linked’, and click on the bandau itself (not the ties or the abalone shell decorations).  You can then select the front face-center (it should be a red square) and slide that in or out to resize.  Don’t forget to adjust the back as well!  Once you’re happy with the fit of the bandau, select the abalone shells in front and move them to your chest, and the ties in back the same way.  It will fit like a dream!


Now — fair disclosure — I don’t know how long it will take Solas to put up a new group gift for July.  Maybe at the time of this post it’s already up – and maybe you have an hour or two. Maybe a day.  But maybe you have ten minutes.  If you haven’t dashed over and grabbed this, run now to Blue Moon Enterprises, and maybe you’ll forgive me for not showing this to you before now!

A hui hou, my friends!  Mahalo!

A downpour….

A week or two ago, I had the pleasure to share Calista Rain, the first release from Silvan Moon Designs, the new collaboration between Blue Moon Enterprises and The White Armory.

Just as that blog post went to press, Silvan Moon released additional colours that I didn’t have the chance to photograph.  I finally got the chance to take a few more pics, so I just thought I’d share them with you here.

So… four more colours of Silvan Rain — a veritable downpour.  I won’t waste a lot of time with words, they speak for themselves. 🙂






Four more wonderful shades, for a total of five.  I’m just absolutely stunned by the shading, the textures… these gowns are magnificent, and are available in standard mesh sizes plus fitmesh for standard SL avatars, Slink, Maitreya, and Belleze mesh avatars.  Keep your eyes out for more new treasures from Silvan Moon Designs!

Aloha!  A hui hou!