Red Alert

Often the inspiration for one of my mix and match specials is for a themed dance at Sisters of Eden, the club where I DJ. Recently the theme was Best in Red… and while some took this to mean an elegant gown, of course I went a totally different direction… This was one of those instances where a fortuitous “let’s try this” exercise resulted in a rather cool total effect.

The basis for this outfit was a whole slew of stuff: the main suit, boots, top and bra are from r2’s Yuraku outfit, supplemented by arms from r2’s Nowaki outfit and the Electra Cyber Gloves from A&Y (in seven colors, each of which allow recoloring of a variety of material zones for a neat custom look). Over this I added the B1 Cybersuit Fortran from The Original Black One, which has the most amazing looking animated light coursing through it (animation at the end of this blog entry!). The suit comes with 15 colors and with varying lighting patterns.

To this ensemble I added the amazing fire-breathing Neo-Phoenix Cyber Hair from A&Y, available in 12 colors; and the bento animated Sentinel Tail from CerebusXing, available in six colors.

Then it was time to add in the detailing, such as the eerie Elfin Eyes – Freshblood by DurtTrashDurt Zipper, and the ring details on legs and groin from Normandy, and on the breasts from the Graves Mainframe outfit.

Now to really appreciate this in action you need a little video, so check this out!

See why I enjoy mixing and matching so much? You come up with something no one else is likely to have, and make a splash doing it!

  • Outfit: B1 Cybersuit – Fortran by The Original Black One (Marketplace link); arms from Nowaki and boots, bra, suit, and top from Yuraku by r2
  • Gloves: Electra Cyber Gloves by A&Y
  • Tail: Sentinel Tail by CerebusXing
  • Accessories: discs from G236 Mainframe by Graves; Leg Implants and Pussy Cover by Normandy
  • Hair: Neo-Phoenix Cyber Hair by A&Y
  • Eyes: Elfin Eyes Freshblood by DurtTrashDurt Zipper (Marketplace link)

Time to go light my fire somewhere, my friends! Cheers!

Super (cheetah) girl!

With the kemono avi, I’m always on the lookout for good outfits.  There are quite a few out there for the Busty Torso, and this is a super fun one!

The outfit is 100% mesh including the cape, and includes the bra, panties, shoes (both animal and human), leg bracers, and the choker, all for L$150.  This is only for the Busty Torso, it won’t fit anything else.


The clothing textures are included, as is a link to the AO maps to make the modders happy.  With most kemono clothing that includes the maps and textures, this tends to increase the price, and some of the other really well done outfits out there can run upwards of L$400.  Not this one however.  The creator has kept the price for a wonderful fun outfit very accessible!

I feel like I could fly with this outfit (oh wait…)


Easy Rider

Feeling a little bad a**? Let’s go biker girl, in all black n’ stuff!

As is my usual thing, I’ve mixed and match a ton of stuff. The main bits are the Fringe Jacket by Jrc, available in black on the Marketplace, and in pastel from the in world store; and the Lara Fringed Shorts by Ascend, available in 16 colors plus a fat pack. Both are available for all the major mesh bodies.

The devil is in the details, of course, and there are quite a few here: Denim N Bead Accessories Choker by Hudson’s, Nym Collar and Coin Necklace by Cellar Door, and the Elaine Belt and Garter by Nanika.

Oh and that motorcycle is the Cayenne Pink Female by V-Twins 🙂

Let’s roll, baby! Cheers!

Sheer Denim Delight

Our wildly talented Jazzy has been showing you some mix and match outfits she’s been doing with full perm mesh recently.  It’s all been leading up to this, her first very first product available on the martketplace!

Sheer Denim Delight is a dress ensemble for those looking to be a little bit showy 🙂  There are three versions you can select via the included HUD:

  • Everywhere-acceptable opaque denim with a lovely flower motif
  • Mostly sheer except over the important bits
  • Super sheer, with just a tiny hint of cover up – probably not suitable for G sims!

The dress is sized for Maitreya Lara only.

Quoting Jaz: “Wear as bare as you dare!”

The sleeves are included, and so are the matching boots and necklace!

I can’t wait to see what she comes up with next!

Full of Life

Aloha kākou!  Aloha my friends!  It’s been a long while since I got to share with you, RL can be a bear sometimes, but I’ll try not to be gone so long again.  Today I want to share a lovely dress by Spyralle at the Medieval Fantasy Faire!  Dubbed “Marshlands“, this beautiful new version of the Sybil dress is an exclusive for the event, with all proceeds going to the Relay for Life fundraising effort to support the fight against cancers.

I was rummaging around in my jewelry box looking for something just right, and found it — the Summer Leaf set, an older lovely set from Spyralle.  It’s just perfect for this look!

Spyralle‘s Sybil Marshlands is a beautiful piece, in “peacock colours” as my good friend said.  This may be my favourite palette, I couldn’t resist!

Come on out to the Medieval Fantasy Faire and take a look around.  There are many wonderful treasures, and you get to support the Relay for Life against cancer at the same time!

Mahalo!  A hui hou kākou!

Little Red Riding hood

So I did another DJ set, this time with a forest theme… and as a follow on to my last Alice in Wonderland outfit, I did a similar one for Little Red Riding Hood 🙂

I used the same laced demi-top with half sleeves CB155 from Cool Big Bird, this time colored red (and of course still with the transparency set to be a bit sheer). I added the same shoulder puffs from the Ninianne gown by Arwen’s Creations, this time in red; and the same Lolita Lace Cuffs by Sweet Thing. In place of Alice’s apron I used the Baude skirt from Gunshot, adjusting it in color and using the lace trim. The hood is the Winter Cape from Caverna Obscura; fitting hair under such things can always be a challenge but I found the right thing, some short resizable hair, F106, from KMH available at this month’s Salon 52 hair event.

Did I mention there was nothing under this tiny skirt either? Did I need to? 😀 The boots here are the Tana Boots from Reign, along with the same lace stocking appliers I used in the Alice oufit, from !Love-Lei!.

I’m off through the woods to granny’s house! Cheers!

Alice in Wonderland

Recently I did a DJ set where I built an Alice in Wonderland decoration, complete with falling down a rabbit hole. As is my wont, I created my own Alice costume for it. And is also my wont, it had to be a somewhat sexy Alice. And as a third wont (wont, wont wont! Oh… sorry!), I made it a mix ‘n match special, including some full perm items.

The basis for the top is the laced demi-top with half sleeves CB155 from Cool Big Bird, which being full perm I colored in light blue and then set the transparency to be a bit more revealing. To this I added the shoulder puffs and long flexi sleeves from the Ninianne gown by Arwen’s Creations; and the Lolita Lace Cuffs by Sweet Thing. Alice has to have an apron, and the Jewel Ruffle Skirt by Bivvia fit that bill; I set the main part of the skirt to transparent, leaving just the top belt and the apron, then colored appropriately. The white part of the apron was also set to be partly transparent for a see through look.

Did I mention there was anything under that apron? Must have slipped my mind to include anything there, gosh… I did add some mesh bows on the hips to ease an awkward transition in the mesh of the apron and its belt. Supplementing the ensemble are (what else?) my fave boots from Candy Kitten.

I also found a new (to me) pose vendor in SEmotions, which has a nice set called Modeling Poses Set 52 at the Equal 10 event this month. Did I mention there was nothing under the apron? One could of course set the transparencies on the top and apron to opaque, and add a bikini bottom… but, why? 😀

Come join me for a little tea, my friends! Just be careful of that rabbit… and anyone wearing odd hats! Cheers!

Dire Wolf

Let’s take a look at the new Kinzart Kreetures dire wolf.  Be afraid, be very afraid 🙂

This review refers to version  There are still some issues with the avatar, which the creators have acknowledged and said they will be fixing shortly, but none of them are major, and none of them take away from just how awesome this avatar actually is.

First up, the avatar is both bipedal and quadrupedal at the touch of a HUD button.  Both modes have a built in stand, walk, and run.  The quadruped set is particularly good, but the biped set leaves just a little bit to be desired, particularly for females.  The stand is nice and menacing as you can see in the top picture, but the walk and run are just a little stilted.  This is definitely one of the things the creators have promised to address shortly.  As the avatar has no demo, the movement was my major concern, but as the quadruped animations are so good, I’m hopeful that the bipedal ones will be upgraded to something a little better soon.

Also included in the HUD is a sit button, and you can cycle through eight ground sits, like the one above.

The HUD has twelve inbuilt fur textures, all with materials enabled.  And everything from the claws, pawpads, eyes, nose (twelve inbuilt textures), tongue, and mouth are customizable with a color picker, fullbright, and glow.

As the avatar is undoubtedly aimed at people playing lycans, the hindquarters are lower than the shoulders in quadruped mode, which is in keeping with the werewolf theme, as opposed to a real dire wolf, which was not too different that modern day wolves, in body shape at least.

Let’s talk animations.  There are a ton of them, for the Bento rigged ears and forepaws, the eyes, mouth (the tongue out animations are great!), the brow, jaw, face, and even pupil dilation!  There are also five actions: Dance 1, threatening, begging (cute), rolling (cuter), and playful (cutest), which trigger a number of the face and paw animations plus animate the entire avatar.  Tail wag speed and position can also be selected via the HUD.  There are fur on/off options, and additional fur options for the thighs, elbows, and cheeks.

There are even solo and pack howls, where the pack howl will trigger off other dire wolves in the vicinity if they are allowing it via the HUD 🙂

Although I don’t have any clothes for the avatar yet, the creators have certainly not neglected clothing designers when it comes to alpha cuts.  The HUD has a comprehensive alpha section, although it only shows the front of the avatar, and the back of the torso can only be alpha-ed with the torso button.  Considering that wolves don’t wear a lot of clothing, this is probably not a major concern.  You can also save up to four alpha presets.

Oh, and you can select either male or female via the HUD.  The female option adds boobs, which are, umm not the most believable I’ve seen, but the body does respond to the shape sliders, so I gave them a little more gravity and separation, which helped.  In quadruped mode, this matters not at all, but in biped mode, they look a little strange from the side.  I’ll play more with the sliders to see if I can get them just a little more natural looking.

With free updates for life, and a number of fur mods and some accessories on the marketplace already, this looks to be the best wolf avatar in SL hands down.  You can get each size (there are three, small which I’m wearing, medium, and large) for L$2500, or the fatpack of three goes for L$6000.

Avatar: Dire Wolf by Kinzart Kreetures (also known as KZK)

Warm Day

Well it’s certainly not winter attire!

When you’re feeling a little bit of denim come upon you (hey, no chortling over ‘little bit’), here are a couple of fun choices: the Fiona Denim Jacket from Addams, and the Miss Butterfly Shorts from Unscrupulous.

The jacket comes in 41 single colors as well as a fatpack, and is for all major mesh bodies. It features an open style allowing you to nicely display any top you choose to add. The shorts come with a lovely belt detail, and the shorts can be hidden to just use the belts over something else if desired. In keeping with some of my recent full perm posts, these shorts are also available from Gunshot as a full perm item (the Azour short) if you want more color options; however if you like this color the Unscrupulous offering is pretty darn cheap and includes a small little top and some pasties.

Let’s go enjoy the warm weather my friends! Cheers!

Mix and Match – Kawaii Edition

I have a soft spot for cute… and then I just go nuts and keep tossing things at an outfit to make it cuter, lol

So here I’ve done my usual thing and just gone totally to town with everything except the kitchen sink. This first one is my unicorn look, with three major pieces from three vendors with three different unicorn patterns.

The Hawt jacket from Promagic comes in 30 prints, as singles and a fatpack, and is just for Maitreya mesh. I added some cute lace cuffs from Sweet Thing to it. The jacket fits just right to be worn without a bra or shirt underneath, if you are so inclined (as I am). The skirt is Brianna from CandyDoll, available in fatpacks of 10 solid light colors, 10 solid dark colors, and 30 patterns; or as singles, for all the major mesh bodies. It has a nice cut up one side with a long mesh tie. The shoes/socks are the Smexy Babydoll Heels by Candy Kitten, in fatpacks for 12 solids, and 12 patterns, for all major mesh bodies.

Now if you want silly cute, I got that too! The basis for this one is the Crazy Kawaii outfit from Envious. It is old school, for system bodies, but hey does that stop me? Not on your life! I use all the mesh bits and then add my own mesh top and skirt and there you go, one super silly (but cute) outfit.

The mesh bits of Crazy Kawaii come in five sizes and include the winged headband, arm and leg warmers, hoove boots, and backpack. I supplemented these with an applier top from Butterfly Design’s Pauline outfit; and my fave full perm skirt, Angel from Gunshot. For the latter, I textured it to match the knit pattern of the Pauline top.

To round out this round, here is a sweet-but-not-too-sweet ensemble built around the Celebrity Rebel leather jacket by Dirty Princess. This features exquisite detailing all around, and a proudly open front to display… whatever bra or shirt you might choose to wear. Or not. In this case I chose to wear (barely) one of my full perm bras from Cool Big Bird along with the Angel skirt from Gunshot which I textured to match the jacket’s color and patterns. The shoes are Candy Kitten’s Fairy Princess Heels that include the garters.

The jacket features a texture HUD of 20 pastel colors and a metal changer of silver and gold; it comes for Maitreya, Slink, and TMP mesh bodies. The shoes come with 14 styles in a HUD and are for all the major mesh bodies.

Who’s ready to come do some cute Kawaii-style shopping with me? Cheers!