Día de los Muertos

SL days being one behind me, today is the 2nd of November, generally the second day of the Mexican Day of the Dead celebrations.  So today, we had a party in Eden with this as the theme.  Researching this the other day, I came across an article that called El Catrina “the original dead sexy” which completely cracked me up.  So of course I had to do that for the party!  This was my outfit.

I’ve shown you this dress before and you can find details about it here.  I really want to highlight the face makeup though – it’s fantastic.  For L$5, you get this design in not one, but six color palettes!  And this is not the only design the creator does, they have a number of them for both female and male avis.  The makeup is only on system tattoo layers, so you’ll need a BoM capable head.  Highly recommended!

  • Makeup: La Dia de Los Muertos – 03 by Delizio (marketplace link)
  • Face: Jennifer by GA.EG
  • Body and feet: Lara by Maitreya
  • Hands: Slink
  • Hair: Ruda2 by Monso
  • Shoes: SL14B Heels by Thalia Heckroth
  • Jewelry: Pearl Necklace with Bow by TLC (store appears to no longer exist)
  • Hat: Vintage Hat – Black by Kenvie (store appears to no longer exist)
  • Flowers: Flower Crown by Exile


This dress is a FREE group gift from WellMade.  Their group is FREE to join, so rush over and pick up yours today!

The dress is sized to fit Lara, Lara Petite, Legacy, Legacy Perky, Kupra, and Reborn.  It comes with a twenty two color HUD that lets you color the dress and ropes separately.


Here’s a FREE group gift top from Spotlight, whose group is FREE to join.

I like camo, and this top comes with twelve different color schemes via the included HUD.

There are sizes to fit Lara, Lara Petite, Reborn, Kupra, Kupra Kups, GenX, GenX Curvy, Freya, Legacy, and Legacy Perky.  There is some minor clipping around the bottom hem in extreme poses, but there’s an alpha included if you’re using BoM.  Also, as the sleeves are so long, you’ll want to use your body’s hands and not SLinks like I’m using here, or you’ll certainly see clipping.


This dress is a group gift from Salt & Pepper.  It’s a little too reminiscent of the “camisk” style dress for my taste, but I can’t help showing it to you because of the fantastic texturing job.

There are fits for Lara, Lara Petite, Reborn, Reborn Juicy, Reborn Waifu, Gen X Classic, Classic Squishy, Dainty, and Dainty Squishy.

The HUD lets you chose from one of twelve colors, but where it gets exciting is the material picks, where you can chose from no shine, normal, or holo.  The holo “shine” texture (the specular texture, to be technical), I’m guessing is the same texture as the pattern I’m wearing in the photos.  As you move, various color reflections are highlighted, giving the dress a wonderful look.

Salt and Pepper is quite expensive to join at L$300, but they occasionally have free join weekends (which is how you’re truly got into the group) so it’s worth keeping an eye open.  The store carries past group gifts, so if you do get into the group, this will be waiting for you!


I haven’t posted for a while, a lot of the free content I’m seeing recently I’m going “blah” at.  But!  This outfit deserves a post, can you guess what caught my eye?

The sandals of course, with their quirky heels and high laceups!  I’m generally a fan of flat soles, I mean, walking in platforms is a pain, but at least in SL we don’t have to worry about losing our balance.

The sandals come with fits for Maitreya, Physique, and Hourglass and have an eleven color HUD that matches the dress colors.

The dress also fits Lara, Physique, and Hourglass.  The colors are muted rather than bold, which gives me a chance to wear red.

The outfit is a group gift for members of the Paparazzi group, which is FREE to join.

Save the Sea

This dress is a L$3 hunt prize on the Save the Sea Hunt 4.  The hunt runs until the end of the month, so you have plenty of time!

The dress is sized to fit Lara, Lara Petite, Legacy, Freya, Altamura, Hourglass, and Erika.  It comes with a ten texture HUD, with of course some sea themed patterns, a few florals, and a plain red.

  • Dress: Veronica by Telsiope’s Coture
  • Body: Lara and Lara Petite add-on by Maitreya
  • Face: Jennifer by GA.EG
  • Hands: Slink
  • Hair: Ruda2 by Monso


Here’s a FREE group gift for members of Havoc.  The Havoc group is FREE to join.

The bodysuit and thong are separates and both are sized to fit Lara, Legacy, Reborn, Kupra, Freya, and Hourglass.

The lace detailing is very pretty, but you’re a bit exposed unless you choose to wear a long hair such as I’m doing here, or add something else (just remember, it will need to be something without alpha).

  • Bodysuit and thong: Angelina by Havoc
  • Body: Lara by Maitreya
  • Face: Jennifer by GA.EG
  • Hands and feet: Slink
  • Shoes: Wintey sandals by Karla Boutique (marketplace link, item unavailable)
  • Hair: Stone Cold Seduction by Exile
  • Necklace: Bellisssima Necklace – Diamond by Earthstones

Note, I’m unsure of how long this gift has been available as Havoc has the habit of changing out gifts on weekends, so grab it ASAP!

Two events

I’ve been away for a while, recharging a bit after the hectic sprint to finish the big work project, so no posts for far too long.  Let’s make up for it with FREE outfits from two events, via Chic at Phil’s Place.

I grabbed this top and panty outfit mostly for the fantastic tied bracelets.  The top, panties, arm bands, and bracelets are all separate pieces, and each piece is rigged for Lara, Legacy, and Reborn.  It should be available up until the 5th of August as a FREE group gift at the Cosmopolitan Event!

And the next outfit is FREE at the Sense Event.  This event closed on the 28th of July, but if you’re really quick, the vendor for this outfit is still there and functioning (I picked this up no more than an hour prior to publishing this post).

Unlike the other outfit, this outfit is all one piece, so no mix and match 🙂  It’s sized to fit Lara, Freya, Isis, Hourglass, and Legacy.

Avery top

Hello sweets, my apologies for the gap in posts, I’ve been working hard in RL on the final part of my huge work project that’s consumed a lot of my time and energy over the last three years!  But it’s nearly finished!

I ran out this morning to look for something to show you, and I came across this past group gift top from Vagrant.  Their group is FREE to join!

The top is sized to fit Lara, Lara Petite, Legacy, and Freya.  While my photos don’t show it up well, it’s materials enabled, specifically it has a normal map on it.  This may or may not be to your taste, and how much it shows up depends on what lighting you see it in.  But you have nothing to lose… we love free gifts!


I have a line in my profile that offers help with clothes and appearance to girls new to Second Life.  One of the reasons I can do this is this blog; I know where all the freebies are!  And the second is Scandalize.

You can pick up the Ruth2 body for FREE, which is similar enough to Lara so that most clothes made for Lara will fit, then head directly to the 200+ group gifts available at Scandalize for an instant quality wardrobe.  It used to be L$20 to join the appropriate Scandalize group you needed to pick up these gifts, but apparently that’s now changed and one of their FREE groups will get you all the gifties!

Here’s one of the gifts available.

This dress is so cute with its tattered neck and hemlines.  The dress is separate from the belt and both pieces come with their own HUDs to choose from a myriad of plains and patterns.  Fits include Lara, Legacy, Isis, Freya, and Hourglass.