Bohemian Inspiration

Aloha, my lovely friends!  I was visiting the latest round of Inspiration and found this wonderful maxiskirt and top from ***ArisArisB&W that I just had to share with you!

Rhapsody features maxi skirt and top separates with a six-texture HUD.  The textures may be chosen independently, so you can take matching top & bottom or different to suit your mood and tastes!

Rhapsody comes in fitmesh for both SLink bodies, Maitreya Lara, all three Belleza, TMP, and both Tonic bodies, so it’s sure to fit you!

Normally I’m not a huge fan of mesh maxiskirts in-world — they generally just don’t dance well — but this one is gorgeous, and ***ArisArisB&W did a fantastic job with the mesh: it dances pretty nicely, provided you don’t kick your legs up too high!

Inspiration‘s theme this round is Boho, so stop by and take a look around: find some new ideas for spring!  Mahalo!  A hui hou!