Blueberry Sweater Dress

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you’ve heard of Blueberry, one of the most popular women’s clothing designer in SL.  If you disagree with me about their popularity, just try TPing to their sim 🙂

At a recent event, Blueberry released this fantastic sweater dress.  And now they’ve made it available on marketplace for L$1.  Yes, you read that right, one Linden dollar!

There are two versions of the dress in the package, loose and tight fitting.  Both versions come in sizes for Lara, Isis, Venus, Freya, Physique, and Hourglass.

There is a massive 37 color HUD included that lets you change the colors of the dress, the trim, the back straps, and the trim on the in-built panties.  You can also alpha out the panties if you wish to wear your own.

This is a fantastic gift from Blueberry!  Hurry and get your copy!