Basic animation chooser

Sometimes, you just need something simple to pick an animation to play.  Here’s a script to do just that.  Rez a prim, drop this script in it, and a bunch of animations, then take and wear it as a HUD.

When you touch it, it will offer you a dialog where you can play any of the animations, or stop the one currently playing.

Note the links to the included scripts.  If you don’t use the Firestorm preprocessor, you can get the source for the #included bits by following the link in the comment next to the #include.  Just cut and paste the code into the top of this script, replacing the #include.

#include "dialog_plus.lsl"  // see the source of dialog_plus.lsl
#include "privchan.lsl"     // see the source of privchan.lsl

integer g_have_perms;
string g_current;
list g_animations;
key g_owner;
integer g_channel;
integer g_listen_handle;
string g_msg = "Select";

default {
    attach (key id) {
        if (id != NULL_KEY) {
            llResetScript ();
        } else {
            if (g_have_perms && g_current != "") {
                llStopAnimation (g_current);

    state_entry () {
        integer n = llGetInventoryNumber (INVENTORY_ANIMATION);
        integer i;
        string name;
        g_current = "";
        g_animations = ["Stop"];
        g_have_perms = FALSE;
        g_owner = llGetOwner ();
        g_channel = privchan ();
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { 
            name = llGetInventoryName (INVENTORY_ANIMATION, i);
            if (llStringLength (name) > 24) {
                llOwnerSay ("Animation \"" + name + "\" longer than 24 chars, not loaded");
            } else {
                g_animations += name;
        llRequestPermissions (g_owner, PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION);
    run_time_permissions (integer p) {
            g_have_perms = TRUE;
    touch_start(integer total_number) {
        llListenRemove (g_listen_handle);
        g_listen_handle = llListen (g_channel, "", g_owner, "");
        DialogPlus (g_owner, g_msg, g_animations, g_channel, g_menu_idx = 0);

    listen (integer chan, string name, key id, string data) {
        if (chan == g_channel) {
            if (data == "Back") {
                DialogPlus (g_owner, g_msg, g_animations, g_channel, --g_menu_idx);
            } else if (data == "Next") {
                DialogPlus (g_owner, g_msg, g_animations, g_channel, ++g_menu_idx);
            } else if (data == "Stop") {
                if (g_current != "" && g_have_perms) {
                    llListenRemove (g_listen_handle);
                    llStopAnimation (g_current);
                    g_current = "";
            } else {
                if (g_have_perms) {
                    llListenRemove (g_listen_handle);
                    if (g_current != "") {
                        llStopAnimation (g_current);
                    g_current = data;
                    llStartAnimation (g_current);