
I’m not into things Gorean, but sometimes things have to be reported on, and this camisk dress was available for FREE at the location, and your intrepid reporter had to go, and well…

The real reason I really wanted to show you this is because I found it at a location called the “Itty Bitty Titty Committee” 🙂  Other than the hilarious name, the location contains a number of stores making clothing for the Lara Petite add-on.

If you haven’t heard of Lara Petite, it’s an add-on to get a much more petite breasted look than you can get with the standard Lara body and the shape sliders.  It’s a paid add-on, and costs L$599.

Your intrepid reporter doesn’t own it, but the camisk I’m showing you here is sized for Lara, Lara Petite, and Legacy, so I’m able to wear the standard version.

There are lots of stores at the location, so if you do have the add-on, the place is certainly worth a look!