About Blue’s Fantasy


Hi! I’m Blue (BluesToday Resident), a keen builder and student of all things Second Life!  This website presents products developed by Blue’s Fantasy.  In addition to product information, I love doing Look of the Day type photography, so you’ll find plenty of free outfits described on the site.  I do accept products for review, and I will review products that I have purchased.  I do not accept cash incentives for reviews.

For my look of the day photography, there’s no wonderful location shots (although sometimes I’ll do one depending on my time budget), no distractions, no fancy tricks.  I want to show you outfits you can pick up for little or no money, end of story.

In real life, I’m an accomplished programmer in a number of languages, so you may see an occasional article on how to do something tricky with the Linden Scripting Language.

I hope you enjoy the site.