BeSpoke Faun

This is a slightly scary one.  The mythology around fauns is filled with stories of them playing tricks on humans, and being indifferent to the results, as long as they get a chuckle or get what they want.  If you’ve ever seen the movie “Pan’s Labyrinth”, you’ll know what I mean.

At The Warehouse Sale, there’s a FREE gift for members of the FabFree group from BeSpoke, who describe themselves as “a collective of artists, deviants, and makers”.  If you’ve not seen their work before, it tends to lean very much to the darker side, as do most of the items available at this event.   This free Bento faun head is no different.

There are dozens of items in the pack, including two female and two male heads to support both SLUV and EvoX mapping, female and male skins and starter shapes, eyes, addons such as the black nose and deer dots makeup I’m wearing here, and the horns.

The HUD is extensive, and it has all the usual options you’d expect with a modern head, including HD texturing for lips, eyes, eye shadow, and brows, various teeth types (I’m not showing you those, some of those really are scary), a load of static and non-static face animations, normal mapping for some facial features, and more.

I took the head parameters from the starter shape and modified a copy of my usual body shape accordingly.  The settings I used were all the default ones in the head’s starter shape with the exception of the mouth width and lip fullness, both of which I dialed down to make the mouth smaller, which to my eye suits the pointed chin far better.

The only tiny issue is the head has a slight halo that shows up against transparent backgrounds (you can see it in the second photo), but for FREE, this is a wonderful gift if you’d like to dip your toes into fantasy RP, or play the darker side of furry.

Oh, and if you’d like to look slightly more human, there are human style eyes in the kit instead of the goat eyes 🙂

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