
Sometimes it’s tricky to find free outfits to show you.  Sometimes most of a day will go past and I’m totally stuck.  This was one of those days until… inspiration struck!  Ricielli and Dhoma run hunts for annual events like Valentine’s Day and Easter.  They’ve been know to leave hunt items out well after their hunts are officially over (I know this because last time I was there for a hunt, I found items from like, two years previously!)

So I ran over to their region and.. yes!  Easter’s items were still available, even though we’re now a month past Easter.  I searched the internet and I found a picture to tell me what each item looked like (as they are L$15 each, and even though that’s nothing, it’s still not free and I wasn’t going to play the lottery), and set out looking for item #20…

This is superbly detailed lingerie from Dhoma.  The buckles, fits, and other details are super convincing, and as you may have guessed by now, I’m impressed by things in SL that shout “realism”.

There’s a bra, panties, and the garter belt included, all in sizes for Lara, Legacy, and Legacy Perky.  There are also two colors in the pack, this sky blue and a lovely lavender.

The stockings are not included.  I borrowed them from the Radiant Set I showed you just the other day.

So, sometimes it’s good to be stuck 🙂

  • Lingerie: Serah Lingerie by Dhoma (note: L$15 Easter 2023 hunt item, may vanish at any time!)
  • Body: Lara by Maitreya
  • Face: Jennifer by GA.EG
  • Hands: Slink
  • Hair: Ruda2 by Monso