Autumn Queen 2017

Yesterday we elected our Autumn Queen at Eden and I’m so pleased to say it was our wonderful friend Frani!  Yay!

This was what I wore for the event 🙂

I was hunting around for an outfit and I came across this on marketplace.  I couldn’t resist it, it’s a wonderful outfit, and the squirrel is just absolutely over the top cute lol

The top and bottoms are standard size rigged mesh, and the skirt and squirrel both have resizer scripts so you can get just the right fit for your avi.  The mesh skirt is in two parts and the detail is just wonderful.  The outfit also includes some red pumps for SLink high, which I haven’t included in the photos.  And even with all the detail, it’s not too bad on complexity, with all I’m wearing here coming to just under 108K.  A really imaginative job from the creator!

Tactical Advantage

When you hunt and gather clothes and things in SL as I mostly do, sometimes you get great stuff, and sometimes you get a mixed bag.  This outfit is in the latter category 🙂

The applier bodysuit is just so so, but the guns and the shoulder holster are superb!  The outfit comes on system and appliers for just about everything, and also comes with a long sleeve shirt version.   Also in the box are shorts in standard mesh sizes (which just don’t work on Lara), non-rigged boots, and a thigh knife.  The hardware will certainly get a run with some other outfits hehe.