A&A Photo Contests

I’m an Alli and Ali fan, no doubt about it 🙂  Their Fire colour is my favourite, can you tell?

Every so often, A&A do a photo contest, generally themed on the seasons.  The 10 best photos selected win a L$2000 gift card to the store.

Last contest, I was honoured to have not one but two photos selected in the top 10, one of me and one of Aeon!  But even more pleasing is that the picture on A&A’s landmark at the moment is of yours truly!

alli_and_ali bookmark

Here’s the original…

Breast Cancer Awareness month

October is breast cancer awareness month.  The statistics on the disease are frightening, with an estimated case diagnosed every 2 minutes in the United State alone, according to the American Cancer Society.  Current trends are positive though, with the breast cancer death rate down 34% since 1990!

Please, learn how to do a breast self examination, and get a mammogram once a year after you turn 40.  Early detection tests for breast cancer save thousands of lives each year, and many more lives could be saved if even more women and their doctors  took advantage of these tests.

Wear your ribbon in October to help spread the word.

breast cancer awareness ribbon_001

My ribbon was a gift from Chop Zuey last October, and while it doesn’t appear to be available in store at the moment, there are lots of others on the marketplace for FREE, see here, here, and here.

LotD – Fall

The leaves are turning as we watch the oncoming fall.  I’d like to highlight my wings today.  They are by AVRO Wings, who sadly have closed their in-world store, but all their items are still available on the marketplace.

You can change the color of these wings with menu available on touch, and there are over sixty colors to pick from, so you can always find a match to what you are wearing (if you like to wear wings all the time like some people I know) 🙂

You can also turn flapping on and off with a simple chat command.

Very versatile!
