Happy Thanksgiving!

Aloha, my friends!

Today we celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the States. We joke that it’s a day to overindulge – to eat until we explode, to use more butter in one meal than is healthy to eat in a week.

As someone involved in academics for her adult life (‘adult’ – heh)  –  I grumble about the timing of the Thanksgiving holiday. Too late in the Fall, too late in the semester, coming back for just two weeks of classes before end-of-term?

We hear stories about the busiest travel days of the year – and about accidents and flight delays.

But in all of this, there is more – beyond the food, beyond the timing, beyond all the encroaching ads and sales for the Christmas season.

I look outside and the weather is grey and bleak and there is the feeling of winter, waiting in the wings, holding its breath.

I think of my family.

I think of the family that I was born to that is out there wishing I could be with them.

I think of the family that I have found, that I have chosen. I think of all the friends that I gather near me – in body, in heart, in spirit.

Aeon and Blue

I have seen the past year bring me new family – and I have felt the pain as some of those family have left this world, leaving their footprints, leaving the marks on me that we all make on each other.

My friends, my family – I am thankful for every one of you. This day is my day to tell you how grateful I am for what you have been to me. No matter where you are in this world, no matter what creed or nationality, no matter what your longitude or time zone – no matter whether you make a point of celebrating today or not – I am thankful for you.

From Blue and I here at Blue’s Fantasy, mahalo nui loa, many many many thanks to you all.
Raise a glass with us today – ‘okole maluna!