Water colors

This prettily textured dress comes in standard sizes and a single fitmesh size for classic.  Here I’m wearing it on Lara, and it just works.  To walk around or dance in this, I can’t recommend anything other than the system body with the included alpha.

Having said that, it does have nice features, like a really nice eight color texture HUD.  I like purple (what a surprise).

And the big news for this post is that SLink have released their Bento enabled hands!  If you own any of their hand packs, you can go and get a redelivery in their main store for free.  The best news is that the hands work with any Bento pose system (although the new hands come with a HUD and SLink offers static poses for sale at the store).  You can read all the news about this exciting announcement at the SLink website.

I’m using the UNKO Hand Posing system which includes fourteen static and nine “in motion” hand animations and is available for free from the marketplace!

Now, on with the shopping.  TAXI!